Windows Phone is dead. Long live Windows Phone.

Anybody else have Windows Insider for Mobile? I'm having trouble updating my Lumia 640 on the fast ring to the Creators Update? Says there is an issue with my Insiders credentials when there isn't? And update also fails with date and time error when it's correct...blah.
Anybody else have Windows Insider for Mobile? I'm having trouble updating my Lumia 640 on the fast ring to the Creators Update? Says there is an issue with my Insiders credentials when there isn't? And update also fails with date and time error when it's correct...blah.

I don't. What version is the creators update for windows mobile, I'll check if my 640 has it installed.
I don't. What version is the creators update for windows mobile, I'll check if my 640 has it installed.

Doesn't matter anymore. I guess my phone had some dam MS reset protection enabled and I used WDRT to reformat my phone. Guess what...I don't have the f*king reset key so my phone is a flippin brick now. You need it to unlock the dam thing or its useless. FFS this is ridiculous. :mad:

PS: Did a google search and every answer in the end says I'm SOL. And my phone was not listed in my Windows Insider account..
Doesn't matter anymore. I guess my phone had some dam MS reset protection enabled and I used WDRT to reformat my phone. Guess what...I don't have the f*king reset key so my phone is a flippin brick now. You need it to unlock the dam thing or its useless. FFS this is ridiculous. :mad:

PS: Did a google search and every answer in the end says I'm SOL. And my phone was not listed in my Windows Insider account..

Damn. Sad to hear that my good sir.

Another WP bites the dust. :cry:
I wonder if I can still use my Lumia 920 but use it as a camera and GPS navigation. HERE app working on iOS very well. :lol::bleh:


I gave mine to my mom when I got my Nexus 5. She uses it as her 2nd phone and it's STILL working pretty much flawlessly. Her only complaint is the vibration motor is not as good as it was.
Doesn't matter anymore. I guess my phone had some dam MS reset protection enabled and I used WDRT to reformat my phone. Guess what...I don't have the f*king reset key so my phone is a flippin brick now. You need it to unlock the dam thing or its useless. FFS this is ridiculous. :mad:

PS: Did a google search and every answer in the end says I'm SOL. And my phone was not listed in my Windows Insider account..

My mom has a 640 windows phone and I ran insider builds on it for a while and then put it back to 8. T-mobile sold it for like a month then stopped all support for it and it never officially got Windows 10. I think I'm going to get her another phone soon so if you want this 640 let me know.

They're officially throwing in the towel. What a waste, the Lumia acquisition was completely pointless.

They F***ed it up after WP 8.
That was the only version that had any promising momentum. Some devs came on board, there was some big name apps (albeit rather crap quality for awhile), the featureset was there, they were pretty much the clear cut #3, you could see some light at the end of the tunnel.

I think there was some merit to the Nokia acquisition but it was very quickly nullified when the whole windows vision was completely changed. That and the whole Surface lineup coming internally.....Pretty much relegated Nokia to the sidelines, especially with rumors of a Surface Phone growing from Surface success.
I'll buy a another brand phone when my current one dies in a few years.

I'm going to miss WP, especially how easy it is to do basic tasks.
I hope they now double down focus their energy onto their impressive Hololens AR project.

I hope they keep improving the IOS experience by making better and better Apps. The office Apps, Cortana, and OneDrive are getting better and better.
I hope they keep improving the IOS experience by making better and better Apps. The office Apps, Cortana, and OneDrive are getting better and better.

I completely agree. The question I'm now considering is whether Android or iOS have the better MS apps and experience (I'm coming from a Windows Phone).

I'm so sad that WP is over, but I understand why MS bowed out
Same boat as you JT, been using an older iPhone for the last couple years and debating what the upgrade will be.
I was actually considering not buying a smart phone for my next upgrade. Pretty much every smart phone I have had has had **** call quality. I was thinking all I need is GPS, a phone that can call and Text and a really nice media player.

I was going to buy a dedicated GPS for the car.
A really expensive MP3 player for music and audio books/podcasts.
And a decent phone that has a real keyboard.

My problem is.. I can't find a ****ing phone that is decent. The closest thing I found was a black berry.. Your almost forced to buy a smart phone, unless you just want some cheap piece of **** pay as you talk phone.

I use about .1 to maybe .5 gigs per month of data on my smart phone. I have 11 gigs a month that I am not using and paying for.'

Any tips on a good phone that has a real keyboard for texting. Plus this whole 5G thing has me a bit concerned.. I would like to keep 5G signals away from my head. Pressing a phone with that much non ionizing radiation has me wondering.