Winamp 3 Plugin


New member
Well, winamp 3 final is out today. I was wondering if anyone is working on a RW plugin. The lack of a plugin is the only thing keeping me from totally dropping WA2.
i've got a few things i'm toying with... the only problem is that the entire message system that winamp2 used was thrown out when they built winamp3.

there is a plugin for winamp3 that attempts to recreate the message system... but i don't know if it's compatible with the plugin or not (haven't had alot of time to test it out)

i really don't like winamp3 too much... kinda reminds me of the shift from ms media player 6.4 to 7.0... lots of bloat , memory hog and just overall feels slower.

i'm gonna keep working on the winamp3 plugin, but i dont' think i'll be throwing out winamp2 just yet.

i'm trying to make it so you have 1 plugin and can select to control winamp2 or 3... rather than having 2 different plugins.

if anyone has any suggestions for features they'd like to see implemented... let me know.

One suggestion:
Make the volume change faster. When using the remote it takes a LONG time to change the volume. Could you make it change in incrments of 5-10% or something?
SirXcalibur said:
One suggestion:
Make the volume change faster. When using the remote it takes a LONG time to change the volume. Could you make it change in incrments of 5-10% or something?

i can try to do that... one thing i've already got in there for version 1.2 is the ability to bypass the winamp volume control and go right to the windows master volume.

i found the winamp volume to take forever, like you said, and it never got too loud either.

The windows master volume can get very loud.
heck i have lost text i was replying so i have to write it all once more - man i really hate that, stupid stupid me :(


i wanted to thank you and ati, of course, for this plugin. i bought ati remote wonder today and it's really amazing. i got it to work with both wa2 and wa3 using that 'wa2 compatibility plugin' wa3 plugin.

anyway - i have few request and it would be great if you could implement them. i'm mostly delphi programmer (well i did some stuff in c++ ages ago, but it was opengl and console ;) ) and i'm quite lazy to do it myself. and as my mother says (well actually she doesn't), trust experts.

1) i think it would be good to change the way you control wa in few cases - for actions like next, prev etc - to send key shortcuts instead of wa's custom messages. you would send 'b' for next song etc - this way, it would work even for wa3 without any additional plugin (of course only things which have shortcuts in wa2/3). ony thing you would have to do is to implement extra route for getting wa3's window handle - i guess it's window class is different from wa2.

2) i learned from ammo's sdk that remote wonder sends key events for both down and up events - so it would be only good to extend your plugin to take care of 'cursor group' keys and handle them in such way that you would send pairs of key down and key up messages. this way it would work like pressing keys on keyboard (i.e. pressing and holding) - it would make volume up/down and song changing faster and just more like what end user would expect.

this extra cursor keys handling should work only when wa is in focus (even with your 'accept commands when not in focus' set to true).

however i think many other programs would work better with this way of handling cursor keys, so you should make it system-wide or maybe new plugin just for it ;)

you should add two checkboxes (for compability and customizability reasons) in the config dialog - something like
- new key handling
- system-wide cursor keys handling

i hope it makes sense - and i'm sure it would make your plugin more yours than just extended sample plugin and many others would like it
mazy said:

1) i think it would be good to change the way you control wa in few cases - for actions like next, prev etc - to send key shortcuts instead of wa's custom messages.... ony thing you would have to do is to implement extra route for getting wa3's window handle - i guess it's window class is different from wa2.

2) i learned from ammo's sdk that remote wonder sends key events for both down and up events.....

this extra cursor keys handling should work only when wa is in focus (even with your 'accept commands when not in focus' set to true).

however i think many other programs would work better with this way of handling cursor keys, so you should make it system-wide or maybe new plugin just for it ;)

you should add two checkboxes (for compability and customizability reasons) in the config dialog - something like
- new key handling
- system-wide cursor keys handling

setting up keyboard inputs could have other effects than just changing the winamp song... say you have notepad open and don't like the current track that's playing... you hit "b" 5 times and the song doesn't change... but you now have 5 "b"'s in your text document. I believe (don't quote me on this one) that winamp will only accept keyboard inputs when it is the application in focus.

the up/down key pressses.... currently the remote does handle if you press and hold the volume up/down button and it will raise/lower the volume accordingly. The winamp command that raises the volume will only increment it in 1% intervals (i may try and throw a control in the config menu that will say something like "Volume increases/decreases by X%" and let you enter a value for X... i'd then just take that value and throw it into a loop and run the volume control X number of times.

i have been toying with that winamp3 plugin that you mentioned and i'd still like to build my own winamp3 controls into the program (but if i get EXTREMELY lazy i may just say "go grab this plugin and it'll work ok"). I still have to figure out how to hijack the winamp3 window though.

thanks for the feedback... i'll see what i can do


well few things:

i got my logitech internet keyboard together with ati rw and it works with wa2 using key messages - there's part from players.ini in itouch's directory (itouch is driver / utility sw for logitech keyboards)

#List of supported players
MSPlain=btn,cdplayer.exe,SJE_CdPlayerClass,xxx,xxx,1000,1001,1002,1003,1006,0,1,Windows CD-Player
MSDeluxe=btn,deluxecd.exe,MMFRAME_MAIN,xxx,xxx,104,104,105,109,110,0,1,Windows Deluxe CD-Player
WinAmp=key,winamp.exe,Winamp v1.x,xxx,xxx,X,C,V,Z,B,0,1,WinAmp
WinAmp3=key,studio.exe,STUDIO,xxx,xxx,X,C,V,Z,B,0,1,WinAmp 3

Sonique=key,sonique.exe,Sonique Window Class,xxx,xxx,X,C,V,Z,B,0,1,Sonique
MSMedia=key,xxx,MPlayer,xxx,xxx,0x10,0x10,0x13,0,0,0,1,Windows Media Player
MSMedia2=key,xxx,Media Player 2,xxx,xxx,0x20,0x20,.,0x8021,0x8022,0,1,Windows Media Player
MSMedia7=wac,wmplayer.exe,WMP Skin Host,Windows Media Player,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,0,1,Windows Media Player 7
MSMediaX=wac,mplayer2.exe,WMP Skin Host,Windows Media Player,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,0,1,Windows Media Player
CineMaster=cin,dvdplayer.exe,AfxFrameOrView42,QI Remote Control,xxx,12,15,16,11,13,0,1,Cine Master
CineMaster2=btn,dvdplayer.exe,#32770,xxx,xxx,1014,1020,1029,1022,1028,0,1,Cine Master
MediaMatics=msg,xxx,xxx,xxx,xxx,7033,7036,7039,7035,7037,0,1,Media Matics

as you can see, it doesn't use normal winamp's messages to control it but instead those key messages. the line for wa3 has been added by me, i have just changed window class to STUDIO and executable name to studio.exe .... otherwise it's the same, so i guess you could use just the original code and change class name to STUDIO and probably check executable name for studio.exe because i don't think STUDIO class is best possible choice to identify wa3 (they should have chosen something more distinct).

and you send those messages directly to the app, it's the same message windows would send if the app would be in focus and you would press the key - and no, it doesn't send this message to active app etc ;)

as for the cursor keys ... just try for yourself ... you wouldn't send that message for constant increase but let wa handle that ... you would just send message that cursor key 'left' has been pressed and is down etc ... it would make using remote for controling volume and seeking in a song much better, because it wouldn't 'jump'

well just give it a try and you won't be disappointed
mazy said:

as you can see, it doesn't use normal winamp's messages to control it but instead those key messages. the line for wa3 has been added by me, i have just changed window class to STUDIO and executable name to studio.exe .... otherwise it's the same, so i guess you could use just the original code and change class name to STUDIO and probably check executable name for studio.exe because i don't think STUDIO class is best possible choice to identify wa3 (they should have chosen something more distinct).

if it's "STUDIO" then i can have this thing coded by the end of today... it looks like the keyboard send the key directly to the process, so if i can get the plugin to do that... we're in business.

-SirXcalibur.. you're volume control is done... i put in a box that just asks how much you'd like the volume to increase/decrease every time you hit a volume button.
great! NiDan, you are our man ... now we only need that cursor thing to be solved ... it would be amazing i think ...

i was afraid that it wasn't possible in hw (however it should as you can see from mouse control pad) - but i read the ammo sdk and it sends messages for key down and up events to plugins, and always sends the up one to exactly the same plugin it sent down message

edit: heck my 'grammar' is terrible :eek:
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sorry... no work tonight... monday is my birthday so i went out boozing with my friends.

i finally got winamp3 to accept remote commands... new config screen and stuff... you guys willl like it, lots of stuff to play with...

now it's time to sleep...

Winamp Plugin 2.0 !!!

Winamp Plugin 2.0 !!!


well i sent a beta version of the winamp plugin off to remotew and asked him if he'd host it for me.

it's got basic functionality for winamp3 (anything that had a keyboard shortcut is implemented)

i'm hoping to finish it up sometime this week.

many thanks! it works great

although i'm working with girder atm and i can't make it maximize / resize windows like original ati soft does
you guys are very welcome... if you see anything in winamp3 that is acting funny let me know.

i haven't got alot of stuff finished yet, that's why i labeled it beta. the readme that's included with it should explain alot

fredhead.... you're worrying me :hmm: haha!
well i'm trying to focus the playlist in winamp3 with girder ... no luck so far ... it makes the playlist's window look like in focus but it's not focused actually :(
anyone know if there's a bigger list of keyboard shortcuts for winamp3 than what's included in the program. i tried looking on but there was nothing to really help me, and all other websites are still talking about winamp2.

the way i got the plugin to work was to essentially "fake" a key being pressed. lots of the functions don't seem to have a keyboard shortcut though, or i just can't seem to find the right combination.
Is there anything special that I need to do to get this plug-in to work. I have been using the original plug-in with winamp 2x without a problem, but winamp 3 does not seem to respond?

I'm running win 2kp sp2 - remote wonder 1.2. I downloaded the plugin from remotew. I tried with both versions of the plug-in installed, and I also tried with only the new one.

Any ideas?

jspotjj said:
Is there anything special that I need to do to get this plug-in to work. I have been using the original plug-in with winamp 2x without a problem, but winamp 3 does not seem to respond?

as long as you have the new version of my plugin (2.0 beta, you can get it from remotew's website if you don't have it)

all you have to do is set the version tab in the plugin config box to "winamp 3"

you should be good to go, any other problems let me know. not all the functions are done yet...

Note: None of the A-F buttons will do anything no matter what you set them to and the winamp2 bookmark function has no winamp3 counterpart, so that's dead too.
>as long as you have the new version of my plugin (2.0 beta,
>you can get it from remotew's website if you don't have it)

I did that.

>all you have to do is set the version tab in the plugin config
>box to "winamp 3"

Hmm. I don't know what you are refering to. Where is the "version tab in the plugin config box"? I right click on the remote wonder icon and select properties. Then I select the plugins page. From there I can enable your plugin and set the configuration options by selecting the configure button, but I don't see a version tab or anything to select that says "winamp 3"???

>you should be good to go, any other problems let me know.
> not all the functions are done yet...

Thats find with me. I'd be happy just to have play, stop, pause, volume. :)

>Note: None of the A-F buttons will do anything no matter
> what you set them to and the winamp2 bookmark function
> has no winamp3 counterpart, so that's dead too.

Thanks for your help.