Vivaldi Browser


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Vivaldi Browser - a new browser for our friends

From Opera founder Jon S. von Tetzchner. Looks like it could be a replacement for Opera 12.

It already has Speed Dial, bookmarks, top/side/bottom tabs, Notes, a side panel, customizable shortcuts, rocker gestures, fast forward, mouse gestures, and page actions. Most are in varying states of completeness.

There's also a placeholder for an integrated email client and contacts. I think they also said they want to include a chat client.

It does use Chromium as a base, and not Opera's old Presto.

It's only a tech preview right now. So it's pretty rough, but it seems like it could be an interesting project, especially for old Opera users.
Vivaldi Browser - a new browser for our friends

From Opera founder Jon S. von Tetzchner. Looks like it could be a replacement for Opera 12.

It already has Speed Dial, bookmarks, top/side/bottom tabs, Notes, a side panel, customizable shortcuts, rocker gestures, fast forward, mouse gestures, and page actions. Most are in varying states of completeness.

There's also a placeholder for an integrated email client and contacts. I think they also said they want to include a chat client.

It does use Chromium as a base, and not Opera's old Presto.

It's only a tech preview right now. So it's pretty rough, but it seems like it could be an interesting project, especially for old Opera users.

The note feature was my single favorite feature of old opera. Hopefully it is duplicated.

Well, that and if you knew how to use the browser correctly, you could download all the links to jpegs on the page. Helped quie a bit with my fapstash... :bleh:
not bad, but i'm not a big fan of the very spartanic look, maybe something you get used to after a while.
I liked the Opera browsers back in the day when it wasn't a poor reskinned Chrome. I used them from around 2000 until 2012/13. I quit using it when the old proper build started showing upgrade prompts at nearly every startup. I miss the bookmark manager of old Operas quite a lot. If this has a similar one, I will definitely try it.
This thing is still in beta right? I tried bookmarking a page and it would overwrite my last bookmark. blasted annoying. :/
still sporting opera 12.7 here (use firefox when something doesn't work right) -_- but have tried the vilvadi its pretty nice but semi misisng some features
Everyone is busy making Chromium clones these days.

Avira is next. You'll get Avira-branded Chromium clone when you install the antivirus.
it's worked well for me too for quite a bit, still works fine actually version 12.7 at least still works fine for most site.
I still bounce between opera 12 and Opera Next (ChrOpera).. though admittedly more in Next as of late. If this can really bring all over the real Opera into a sort of webkit era I am all for it.. Opera really is/was the master of browsers when you look at what it was able to accomplish all while remaining at 10-15% of market max..and under 25MB install.. browsing, mail, irc, torrent, webdev,.. no NEED for 3rd part add ons.
Hell as good as firefox is (bare) when you add the needed addons just to match what Opera (12) had, FF became a fat bloated pig..
I still bounce between opera 12 and Opera Next (ChrOpera).. though admittedly more in Next as of late. If this can really bring all over the real Opera into a sort of webkit era I am all for it.. Opera really is/was the master of browsers when you look at what it was able to accomplish all while remaining at 10-15% of market max..and under 25MB install.. browsing, mail, irc, torrent, webdev,.. no NEED for 3rd part add ons.
Hell as good as firefox is (bare) when you add the needed addons just to match what Opera (12) had, FF became a fat bloated pig..

I know, I loved opera so much. I'm so upset about it that I just can't use chrome.

Ended up switching to firefox out of spite. And I was never a firefox fan.
aalready settled into the new opera (the old one is just slow at rendering these days), so I see no point in this, since both are chromium, but will give it a shot at some point.
This thing is still in beta right? I tried bookmarking a page and it would overwrite my last bookmark. blasted annoying. :/
They're still calling their releases Tech Previews. So, I guess it's considered pre-alpha. I imagine an actual release is still a long ways off.

Still, it feels like Vivaldi is managing to do more with their weekly snapshots than the new Opera has done in years.

It is a little disappointing that it uses Chromium. But, realistically, you're not going to get anything else. I can't even imagine the resources needed to build a rendering engine that would compete with the established players. And to what end?
They're still calling their releases Tech Previews. So, I guess it's considered pre-alpha. I imagine an actual release is still a long ways off.

Still, it feels like Vivaldi is managing to do more with their weekly snapshots than the new Opera has done in years.

It is a little disappointing that it uses Chromium. But, realistically, you're not going to get anything else. I can't even imagine the resources needed to build a rendering engine that would compete with the established players. And to what end?

Exactly! And then having to face compatibility issues. It is sad though. The original opera's rendering engine was my favorite. The actual browsing experience was better. Out of the box, the way the pages scrolled, was so much smoother than the competition (besides IE). Now a days, I am out of touch. :bleh: