This device cannot start (code 10)

Okay, well I don't think that applies here--I have the same 1GB I've always had.

The only info I could find at MS about Code 10 was basically to update the drivers. Well, the device still won't start.

ATI has offered to RMA the card, since it is still under warranty. I don't know what else to do at this point so I'm just going to take them up on it. If the friggin device won't start, it aint gonna start! (IOW, a POS! Pardon my vulgar acronymese)

the new motherboards handle 4gigs or more of memory, if you put 4(or more) in, you only get 3 untill you use "extended memory" that is where there is more BITS to define the memory.
with extended memory and using the KERNAL that supports it, the t-200 driver croaks. i am still working on WHY.

basically the same reason that it was not supported in the 64Bit operating system.

its just one example on how changes in the hardware a person isntalled can change more things. with most peoples code 10 it is probably related more often to WINDOWS media parts and pieces.

POS is a slang term Piece Of Doggy Doo.
Well, I broke down and got another ATI. It's a Sapphire x1600 Pro AGP. Reason? best bang for the buck on AGP.

It's been performing wonderfully for a not top of the line card. The AIW's were great in concept and in the early days. It seems that now they are not worth the headache or the money.

BTW, no more Code 10, but ofcourse no more MMC. I may get one of those new fangled QAM digital cable ready TV cards. We'll see.

At any rate, I believe I read somewhere that ATI is discontinuing AIWs. Hmmmm, if that's correct, I wonder why?

And... It does seem like ATI is starting to rule the world. Why didn't I buy stock when they were rock bottom a few years ago?

Don't answer that!

I know this little aside doesn't help anyone with Code (10) issues. The only solution I can seriously suggest is to get rid of the AIW. Ebay? Get a decent ATI clone (or whatever) and a good TV tuner. I'd wait on the TV tuner. I think some better models are on the way. It should have QAM and HDTV support and not be a bank account breaker.
Yes, if I had it to do all over again I would have put less faith in the "All-In-One-der" concept and aimed for separate display adapter and tuner device that can be replaced without having to RMA the whole freakin' card. Nice idea, but it just goes to show you that the more features you try to squeeze into one component, the greater the risk of instability and failure.

I heard the same rumour about discontinuing the AIW. Perhaps it's a mercy killing. I'm sure a few happy customers will mourn its demise, but lots of extremely frustrated ones will dance on its grave.
every All in Wonder that i have ever had, was a miracle of a video card, best card i could ever have.
Software was always a pain, and is with some of the other tuner media cards.
Untill now, this PCI-e with this software that works with it, takes everything the AIW was, and tosses it out the windows :-)

i want my AIW back :-( rant rave cry , beat head on monitor.

the IDEA of having the grafics display adpater do a PIP and tune IN the grafics display adapter was BRILLIANT, now its TIED back through the computer completly. the original idea behind purchace is totally gone. and it works so poorly it doesnt even save a SLOT in the computer, because i still need a tv card that works
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Okay, well I don't think that applies here--I have the same 1GB I've always had.

The only info I could find at MS about Code 10 was basically to update the drivers. Well, the device still won't start.

ATI has offered to RMA the card, since it is still under warranty. I don't know what else to do at this point so I'm just going to take them up on it. If the friggin device won't start, it aint gonna start! (IOW, a POS! Pardon my vulgar acronymese)

How did you report this to ATI? I have exactly the same issue. My TV functions were working over the summer. A few weeks ago I was going to use capture some video from a VCR and the TV portion would not start. I did a full system restore (using HP system recovery which formats then reinstalls all the original software). Afterwards I was in the same situation with Code 10 errors. I opened a ticket online but have not heard anything yet. I am wondering if I need to call and talk to a live person.
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How did you report this to ATI? I have exactly the same issue. My TV functions were working over the summer. A few weeks ago I was going to use capture some video from a VCR and the TV portion would not start. I did a full system restore (using HP system recovery which formats then reinstalls all the original software). Afterwards I was in the same situation with Code 10 errors. I opened a ticket online but have not heard anything yet. I am wondering if I need to call and talk to a live person.

There is not a lot of information about this problem online, and I have not never been able to get any other forum posters to follow up on their experience. So I'll tell you mine.

I submitted a ticket to ATI through their customer care website. They run you through a bunch of "did you try this" kind of questions before you get to the submit area. Give them a thorough description of everything you tried. If you used Driver Cleaner or their own uninstall utility while troubleshooting, say so. I used the subject line "WDM Drivers" for my ticket (my second in as many months, for what probably amounted to the same problem.)

They responded in about 24 hours with a link to file an RMA request. The request was filled in about 24 hours. I shipped my card on a Wednesday via USPS overnight, but use any shipping method that gives you a tracking number.

My card arrived in Tonawanda the day of the the big Buffalo Blizzard, so it took them until Tuesday to acknowledge receipt of the card. It took about 8 days for them to notify me of a return shipment, which arrived FedEx.

Basically, they replaced the card. At least, the new card has a different S/N number on it. And when I put it back in it booted right up and there were no more Code 10 errors. I honestly haven't had the time to reinstall MMC yet for the real acid test, but at least the errors are gone, as is the nagging message about my card's bios being whatever whatever.

I appreciated their prompt shipment and replacement, but I would like to have had some information about what the problem was, or what they did. I had to compare serial numbers to realize I even had a different card! I suppose they figured it would be obvious, but still--I would have liked for them to say something like "Yep, your tuner was shot all right!" or something!

So, to sum up--go ahead and RMA the sucker, if it's under warranty, and the rest will take care of itself--Oh! I sent them screen shots of my device manager showing them the errors. I wanted to make darn sure there was no miscommunication here!
Thanks for the follow-up. I'll give them another day or two then if I haven't heard from them maybe I'll try submitting another tisket with a different description or call the ATI support directly.

BTW I have seen other posts from people who had to pay almost $30 for shipping. Did they send you an RMA number for postage to them or did you have to cover that yourself? If it's under warranty I would assume they would cover shipping, but as they say never assume anything.
Thanks for the follow-up. I'll give them another day or two then if I haven't heard from them maybe I'll try submitting another tisket with a different description or call the ATI support directly.

BTW I have seen other posts from people who had to pay almost $30 for shipping. Did they send you an RMA number for postage to them or did you have to cover that yourself? If it's under warranty I would assume they would cover shipping, but as they say never assume anything.

No, you can't assume anything. But, let's just say they meet you halfway on the shipping--I paid $20 for overnight from my location; they paid return shipping. Also, when you get your RMA number, be sure it's written on the shipping label where they can see it. I don't know how hard headed they are about returning items without RMAs listed on the package. I treat it like a ransom note--just do like they say and no one gets hurt!

Good luck!
I doubt its a hardware problem. I have exactly the same issue with my Creative X-Fi running under the RTM of Vista. I dual boot and it works fine under XP but Vista keeps giving me this error: This device cannot start. (Code 10) :nuts:

5 years to write this piece of junk OS that is nothing but a fancy schmancy version of XP???
That's interesting. In my case the replacement card works just fine--not a hitch nor a sign of the original problem. So, hardware or not, SOMETHING about that original card stopped functioning, and since the error in my case was accompanied by a message complaining about the card's bios, it may be true that it's not a "hardware" issue per se, but since there's no real easy way for the user to deal with the video card's bios, it might as well be! Without knowing a whole lot about the role of video card bioses in all this, it may be that the AIW's bios doesn't like something about Vista that clearly is not a problem under XP. I just wish ATI would have told me more about why my card had to be replaced as opposed to being "repaired"--not that I mind, but I just want to know more about how all this stuff works--or doesn't work, as the case may be.
I had a similar problem, it turned out my power supply was a piece of carp fish. I bought an Enermax 585 watt power supply,problem solved. I found the new addons to older mother boards needs a lot of power
Well, here is not quite one year later and now my Code 10s have shown up AGAIN!! All of a sudden, although I did have a microsoft update this morning, which was why I had to reboot. When the system came back up again, I got that message saying that my drivers were not compatible with my graphic card's bios. And the cycle begins anew. And that's pretty much the end of my relationship with ATI. I've spent more waking hours than I care to troubleshooting their garbage. Good riddance.
Went through this myself...

Went through this myself...

The solution to my issue was to completely remove all ATI software. I then had to go into my System32 folder and find all ATI .dll's. (Should start with ati). It seems that even using the cataylst cleaner (or whatever) didn't delete these files and whenever I reinstalled new drivers, the leftover old ones were being used. Removing them fixed that.

Hope this helps, BTW, I've been slowly phasing out ATI GPU's in all of my PC's. I still have an AIW x1900 that I can't use in Vista WMC, but that will be gone soon. I really don't believe that AMD see's discreet graphics as their primary revenue source within ATI. I heard somewhere that Intel maybe moving toward discreet cards so maybe there will be an option other than nVidia sooner or later. Although, I have a few new 8x00 series cards and am very happy with them.
I will have to try this again, as i just did a complete reinstall of ATI software after drive cleaner 2.6. Still code 10. Funny thing i did a hrad drive restore for an image that should have been good and still code 10.

I am going to clean out the PC and reseat the card and see what happens.
My card is an AIW 9600pro from i think 2003 so i think RMA is out of the question.

This is how it happened.
Today i opened the TV app and the TV flashed on the screen i seen video for a few seconds and then my hole screen went black. I had to press and hold the power button to restart the PC. ever since then i have the code 10 error.

Something is corputed in the ATI card, to bad ATI don't release a flash to fix this as i dont think the chips failed it just dont think it is a AIW any more.
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I have this same issue with an AIW 9600XT.

Personally I think that it's related to one of the newer drivers screwing up the card's bios, and ATI won't admit it.

My card worked 100% until I decided (for no particular good reason) to update from Cat 6.2 to the latest drivers a few months ago (I think they were early Cat 8x's, don't remember for sure, but probably 8.1). That's when the yellow exclamation marks and Code 10 started, and nothing will get rid of it, just like everyone else.

So the only thing I can surmise is that the newer drivers write something to the card's BIOS, and in the process b0rk it so it can never go back.

Someone prove me wrong and tell me that they have gotten their card to work again after encountering the error...

The REAL Joe
I have this same issue with an AIW 9600XT.

Personally I think that it's related to one of the newer drivers screwing up the card's bios, and ATI won't admit it.

My card worked 100% until I decided (for no particular good reason) to update from Cat 6.2 to the latest drivers a few months ago (I think they were early Cat 8x's, don't remember for sure, but probably 8.1). That's when the yellow exclamation marks and Code 10 started, and nothing will get rid of it, just like everyone else.

So the only thing I can surmise is that the newer drivers write something to the card's BIOS, and in the process b0rk it so it can never go back.

Someone prove me wrong and tell me that they have gotten their card to work again after encountering the error...

The REAL Joe

In device manager, does it state the item can not be started?

I had a Code 10 with my TV tuner, and it wouldn't work, even putting it in another computer and installing the drivers, it still produced a code 10 and wouldn't work. I had to RMA my card. If you call tech support and tell them you have a code 10, they will most likely tell you the card is dead!. If you can, try putting it in another computer, load drivers...and I'll bet you still get a code 10. This is a dead/faulty card code.
Having the same problem with my aiw 9600xt after latest driver update. Has anyone had any luck?

I reverted back to the original drivers that came with the card, installed everything including the tv app and all seemed to be working. Installed rw II, restarted and back to code 10 it went. Can I assume that it isn't a hardware issue then?
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There are many reports on this board that say once you get a code 10 it dose not go away. If you read up on it at MS, it will say it is BIOS related. The BIOS on the motherboard can not ID (enum) the card (TV Capture part) so it get a code 10. So something has changed, and it is most likely the info in the AIW BIOS chips that says it also has a TV capture chip.

I tried many things to get my card to work again, even put it into another PC as segguested and nothing worked. I got a new AIW2006 and it fired right up in the same PC that the old card gave a code 10 in.

My card had worked without a hitch for 4 years of havey use then one day it failed (when launching the TV app) and never worked as a TV card again.
There are many reports on this board that say once you get a code 10 it dose not go away. If you read up on it at MS, it will say it is BIOS related. The BIOS on the motherboard can not ID (enum) the card (TV Capture part) so it get a code 10. So something has changed, and it is most likely the info in the AIW BIOS chips that says it also has a TV capture chip.

I tried many things to get my card to work again, even put it into another PC as segguested and nothing worked. I got a new AIW2006 and it fired right up in the same PC that the old card gave a code 10 in.

My card had worked without a hitch for 4 years of havey use then one day it failed (when launching the TV app) and never worked as a TV card again.

All I know is that when my ATI TV Wonder Pro developed a code 10 in my main computer, putting it in another computer still produced a code 10, and the card still didn't work. When I called Visiontek tech support on this issue and told them I had a code 10 in device manager, they immediately said the card was dead (which of course I suspected) and had me RMA it.


I read all the comments on this board about this code#10 issue and came to a single sure conclusion: code 10 may occur due to various/different reasons of which only some may cause the graphic card to die.

I have an MSI -RX800XL which I purchased a couple of years ago (maybe more) for $500. The motherboard is MS-7176 +2GB of memory.
OS: Win XP Pro sp2.

I work with the older 6-1_xp-2k_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_29602 Catalyst and with the 3__9-08_mmc_enu.exe for (TV/DVD/FILE PALYER etc) as capturing software. These old drivers and software have alawys proved to be the best working combination.

Then, like in all the stories so far, one day KABOOM! no tuner/no signal for capturing and code#10 that also slowed down the machine incredibly.

I tried full uninstall and clean install of the old drivers & software---> to no avail. I tried the newest drivers & software from AMD website--> had to restart my machine 6 times (it's 2008 for goodness sake!) till I had full installation...---> to no avail.

OK, I tried to restore the system to a known date where everything was anything but couldn't restore.

Then I tried to recall what were the last software I installed and uninstalled them---> to no avail.

And then I looked at my windows autoupdates. Oops! it was ON (auto-download and auto-install) big mistake. I must have accidentally clicked on the wrong button one day.

I went back to add/remove Programs of the Control Panel and clicked the box to review the update list as well. Found the last update--just b4 everything went code 10--and clicked on roll-back; here is the message that i've got:

"If KB950749 is removed, these programs might not run properly...
-ATI Multimedia Center 9.16
-AVIVO Codecs

I think that explains everything.
Now, what's left to be done is to rollback that cursed update, uninstall all ATI software and drivers, reinstall and hope that the TV-Tuner is still alive.

I'll let u know.
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