The iPhone X impressions thread


New member
For those of you receiving iPhone X's, post your pics, impressions, issues, etc.

First allotment should be arrving 11/3.



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It will be an iPhone :lol: I will be getting mine 11/3 as well but I dont expect any ground breaking stuff. The only thing really noteworthy is the smaller form factor with a bigger phone screen ratio and that OLED.

I like the fact that the home button is gone because I always preferred gestures to get things working.
Usually companies only skip iteration numbers after a product is a massive failure. Think of Winamp 3, or Windows 8.

Apparently Apple already knew that the iphone 9 was going to suck hard!
Usually companies only skip iteration numbers after a product is a massive failure. Think of Winamp 3, or Windows 8.

Apparently Apple already knew that the iphone 9 was going to suck hard!

That phantom windows 8. :bleh:

First impressions and early reviews are coming out now. Your favorite YT personality probably has a video up.
Anyone else's Iphone X ship yet? I just got an email notification that mine just shipped.
Nope. AT&T. Still in "We're getting your order ready to ship." limbo.

Expect it to update tomorrow since they ship FedEx overnight.
Anyone else's Iphone X ship yet? I just got an email notification that mine just shipped.

Nope. AT&T. Still in "We're getting your order ready to ship." limbo.

Expect it to update tomorrow since they ship FedEx overnight.

You can find your iphone if you track by reference number, usually your phone number or the order number minus the last 2 numbers. I have my phone to be held at the distribution center so I can get it in the morning. Im not usually around when the UPS guy comes so Ill grab it myself.

My apple order still says preparing for shipment on but my order shipped out a couple of days ago and moved from china, to alaska, and now sits in lousiville. Regardless of how it gets to your house if says youre going to get it by the 3rd you will get it by the third they are pretty good with that.
Picked up my phone this morning. The size is definitely smaller but the adjustment isn't that bad. A lot of apps aren't updated yet but the ones that are when nicely.

Face id works as advertised. It's fast enough to be a non issue.

Speed seems the same as my iPhone 7+. I like the screen size with the smaller form factor.
UPS dropped off my phone... just left it on my front step lol

Luckily I was home, the phone is nice. I have no idea what I'm doing :lol:


Should I update to IOS 11.1? it seems to be running well already and I don't want all of the problems that people are reporting.
UPS dropped off my phone... just left it on my front step lol

Luckily I was home, the phone is nice. I have no idea what I'm doing :lol:


Should I update to IOS 11.1? it seems to be running well already and I don't want all of the problems that people are reporting.

avoid the upgrade. it seems battery life is a wide spread issue with version 11 in general and especially with 11.1.
Same here, went to 11.1 yesterday and battery life has been awesome. I’m loving this phone, don’t know why I waited so long to make the switch.
Stunning to look at. Stunning to hold. I have the “silver” version. To me, it looks like a pearl white. The original chrome surroundings are back, like the original iPhones. My favorite iPhone design of all time was the 4S. The surface is smooth, but not slippery. I would put a clear case on this. Giving the all glass nature and price of this iPhone, a case is a must. I’ve shattered an iPhone only once, so I’m not that clumsy, but in the end, I hate to fork over even more cash if I shatter this thing.
It’s easy to hold. I’ve always wanted the screen size of the Plus, but in the body of the the non-Plus. Now it’s done. The phone no longer sticks out of my back pocket anymore. It feels nice and compact, as it should be. Killing the bezels was the best thing Apple could do. I was never a fan of the iPhone 6-8 designs, but that was the only way to get a bigger screen. Now I have the best of both worlds. The phone feels premium.

OLED Display
I never had a problem with any iPhone screens with a Retina Display. Being that this is an iPhone's first OLED screens, I can honestly say, I can barely see the difference. Sure the blacks are blacks and the overall screen is beautiful, but looking between my 6S Plus and the iPhone X, both screens are great. I downloaded and viewed Wonder Woman. It looks great, but if there’s HDR being used, I’m not seeing it (or don't know what I'm looking for). I’ve watched some HDR 4K demos on Youtube. They look great. They also look great on the 6S Plus. I guess the big advantage is the power savings. Either way, OLED isn’t a big deal to me. The quality display is what I look for, not the type of tech being used. I will say the colors look natural and not "ramped up" like Samsung phones, which is what I like. I love how Apple still calibrates each display with a wide color gamut (something I had no idea Android didn't have any color management until Oreo). The Apple display is rated the best display in a smartphone of all time. Again, I'm not even close to being able to see what's going on.

Edit: Upon paying more attention to the screen in various lighting conditions and angles, the screen really is phenomenal. The "blue shift" is minimal. The colors do appear more "deep" and rich. There's a certain clarity to the screen I've never noticed before. I realized that I have True Tone enabled so maybe that was affecting my initial thoughts. My eyes appear to have gotten used to it. The screen is amazing. LG take note.

Wireless Charging
I really never understood the hype behind “wireless” charging. After all, you still need a wire attached to something to charge the phone. Perhaps it’s just a bad name for the technology. But since using an Anker base pad, I now see the benefits. I simply set the phone down on the base and not worry about fiddling with a wire. I can tell you’ve personally bought and replaced many of Apple’s wires over the years. My 2 year old 6S Plus went through 3 of them. That’s because all the fiddling with the wire causes the ends to fray. I resorted to buying a couple of extra wires to keep at my office and in my car to prevent having to lug around a wire all the time. I may pick up a charging pad for the office just for the convenience of needed to top off the battery.

Battery Life
I’m not sure what iOS 11 was doing to my 6S Plus battery life, but all I know is that I use to go ALL DAY without having to charge my battery. iOS 11 killed that and I found myself need to charge up around lunch time. iOS 11.1 did not improve that situation. What I can say is that, so far, iOS 11 on the iPhone X is pretty good. I’ll be watching it this week, but I’ve been lasting all day again on a full charge. My normal usage is Safari, iMessage, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Camera, and Google Photos. So far so good, but I feel battery life could be a bit better, but we’ll see what iOS 11.2 does.

Edit: battery life is great. I seem to be back at Plus levels of life. I'm getting to bed around 10:30ish with 20-30% of life left. It's clear iOS 11 is geared for this phone and not the 6, 6S, and 7.

Picture Quality
I think I was expecting too much, especially after seeing what the Pixel 2 does. In great light, the pictures look crisp and clear. In low light, things are much better than the 6S Plus. Overall there’s an improvement over the 6S Plus given the proper light. As far as portrait mode, it doesn’t work as great as I would like. It seems to miss edges on my face and blurs things that shouldn't be blurred. Certainly not like what I’ve been seeing in the Pixel 2’s. I think the Pixel 2 has the better front camera. I think the X has a better rear camera as Portrait mode worked a lot better that way. Hopefully, software updates continue to improve these. I’ll be playing with it more this week. See pictures below.
DxO Mark gives it the highest rating for still pictures in a smartphone. Pixel 2 still has the best overall camera phone setup.

I don't miss Touch ID one bit. I pick up my phone, swipe up, and that FaceID already has my phone unlocked. It works so well, I'm beginning to think FaceID doesn't even work, lol. Logging in to apps and purchases is a breeze (haven't used Apple Pay in a store yet, but have online), since I'm already looking at my phone. No extra steps necessary.

iOS 11 is pure silk on the iPhone X. It was butter smooth on my 6S Plus, but the A11 chip and 3GB of RAM take it to another level. No issues here. I'm hoping iOS 11.2 fixes a few things, but other than that, no complaints. I still long for default apps, but oh well.

Sample pics:










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Does anyone do RAW photo comparisons between different gen phones? It's never clear how much is processing vs better sensors and lenses.
The only thing that annoys me about faceID is you have to look at the phone dead on. You cant be too far off to the side and the phone has to be oriented the proper way. It also seems to have some issues recognizing my face when I wake up sometimes. :lol: Other than that FaceID works as advertised and is pretty quick for how accurate it is. Its no TouchID, but it does the job fine.

I havent taken as many pictures as Raz but from what I can see they arent heads and shoulders above the 7+ I had in terms of quality. They look to be marginally better if that. The tele lens with OIS and better fstop does help a lot though for that lens. That is night and day... before I didnt even really want to use the tele lens unless it was really sunny or in a really bright room. Now the option is almost always there to use it.

The screen is great and the notch doesnt bother me at all. But now all X users are waiting for the all important update to their favorite apps so take advantage of the taller screen and to fit the notch into their apps. Its going to take some time but when it gets done apps look nicer.

The only real adjustment for me to make is the physical size of the phone. It is so much smaller than the 7+ I had before and sometimes I feel like I miss the bigger(wider) screen of the 7+. I will definitely jump on board next year if Apple does a iPhone X+. Id like the size of the iPhone 7+/8+ but all screen.