that and the glass back (2x the chance to break ) killed it for me and it feels slippery get a little refrigerant oil on my hands and poof it flying down the roofThe only thing that annoys me about faceID is you have to look at the phone dead on. You cant be too far off to the side and the phone has to be oriented the proper way. It also seems to have some issues recognizing my face when I wake up sometimes. Other than that FaceID works as advertised and is pretty quick for how accurate it is. Its no TouchID, but it does the job fine.
I havent taken as many pictures as Raz but from what I can see they arent heads and shoulders above the 7+ I had in terms of quality. They look to be marginally better if that. The tele lens with OIS and better fstop does help a lot though for that lens. That is night and day... before I didnt even really want to use the tele lens unless it was really sunny or in a really bright room. Now the option is almost always there to use it.
The screen is great and the notch doesnt bother me at all. But now all X users are waiting for the all important update to their favorite apps so take advantage of the taller screen and to fit the notch into their apps. Its going to take some time but when it gets done apps look nicer.
The only real adjustment for me to make is the physical size of the phone. It is so much smaller than the 7+ I had before and sometimes I feel like I miss the bigger(wider) screen of the 7+. I will definitely jump on board next year if Apple does a iPhone X+. Id like the size of the iPhone 7+/8+ but all screen.
hope for a x+ next year with a metal back