I finished Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
It's the expansion for Hexen. Really just more of the same. Same massive hubs with hidden switches and unclear goals. I don't think they really added anything in terms of new enemies or weapons. After beating the base game, I was sort of all Hexened out, so this one felt like a bit of a slog. Probably would have been nice to have when the original game came out, but now with so many games out there, the expansion felt unnecessary. At least it did feel a bit more difficult. Particularly the first hub. They throw most of the enemies types at you right from the start while you still don't have all your weapons yet. I think playing as the Fighter on the first hub might have been one of the hardest sections in either Hexen or the expansion. Lots of enemies shooting projecties and the Fighter doesn't get a projectile weapon for a long time.
It's the expansion for Hexen. Really just more of the same. Same massive hubs with hidden switches and unclear goals. I don't think they really added anything in terms of new enemies or weapons. After beating the base game, I was sort of all Hexened out, so this one felt like a bit of a slog. Probably would have been nice to have when the original game came out, but now with so many games out there, the expansion felt unnecessary. At least it did feel a bit more difficult. Particularly the first hub. They throw most of the enemies types at you right from the start while you still don't have all your weapons yet. I think playing as the Fighter on the first hub might have been one of the hardest sections in either Hexen or the expansion. Lots of enemies shooting projecties and the Fighter doesn't get a projectile weapon for a long time.