Massive has some strong pedigree, Ubisoft has its track record in maintaining strong franchises. I think this looks like a proper AAA Star Wars action game in an open world. That's a rarity, as most Star Wars games are weekend affairs so to speak. Quality, but relatively shortlived. This looks like it could at least last a little longer, while maintaining those qualities from the Assassin's Creed, Far Cry and Division franchises. I look forward to it.
Of course, a game like this, with names and budgets like this... I doubt there'll be a lot of surprise or innovation. A game like this should do what AAA blockbusters do, and have the production quality to back it up. Leave the surprises to smaller budget games.
Possible she could find a light saber, but without the force you aren't deflecting blaster bolts, etc. Not a great idea in most scenarios. Assassin blade would work