Star Wars Outlaws

Everything but that shootbang section with the division/cover shootbang mechanics looked pretty good.
Looks like a fun ride. Will be interesting to see how is actually looks after typical Ubisoft graphical downgrades before release.
I must be really jaded these days. It looked incredibly meh. Graphics were pretty enough, but even there nothing stood out.

Massive has some strong pedigree, Ubisoft has its track record in maintaining strong franchises. I think this looks like a proper AAA Star Wars action game in an open world. That's a rarity, as most Star Wars games are weekend affairs so to speak. Quality, but relatively shortlived. This looks like it could at least last a little longer, while maintaining those qualities from the Assassin's Creed, Far Cry and Division franchises. I look forward to it.

Of course, a game like this, with names and budgets like this... I doubt there'll be a lot of surprise or innovation. A game like this should do what AAA blockbusters do, and have the production quality to back it up. Leave the surprises to smaller budget games.
Possible she could find a light saber, but without the force you aren't deflecting blaster bolts, etc. Not a great idea in most scenarios. Assassin blade would work