Samsung M8 32”

Man have these prices come down. I think I paid 12-1300 hundred for my 48cx a year or so ago.

Holy **** are you not kidding. When I bought my 48" C1 a few months ago it was still in the $1200 range.

I still stand by the caveats though that an LG C1 is great as a desktop monitor if you're on-board with all the fussy little problems you'll run into when trying to use it as a desktop monitor (static images cause the screen to just go dark, powering on requires work, etc).
Holy **** are you not kidding. When I bought my 48" C1 a few months ago it was still in the $1200 range.

I still stand by the caveats though that an LG C1 is great as a desktop monitor if you're on-board with all the fussy little problems you'll run into when trying to use it as a desktop monitor (static images cause the screen to just go dark, powering on requires work, etc).

Do you think the Aorus would be better for desktop work? If it makes any difference, I rarely leave a screen on if I’m going to be away from the workstation for any length of time.
Do you think the Aorus would be better for desktop work? If it makes any difference, I rarely leave a screen on if I’m going to be away from the workstation for any length of time.

Personally, I didn't like the aggressive dimming with the LG C1. I was using it as a desktop monitor for gaming, and with a couple consoles. But within a few weeks I found myself just not even bothering to turn it on if I wasn't going to play a game, since it drops brightness pretty fast with static images. And I never did find a clean way to fix that.

I haven't played around with an Aorus but if it's more "PC Monitor-like" in terms of experience, turns itself on when the PC comes up, turns itself off when the PC goes to standby, doesn't auto-dim if there's a static image up after 3 minutes, etc... then I'd probably go with the Aorus.

There's a reason I had an LG C1 as a monitor for a couple months, only to relegate it to console games & streaming watching and replace it with a 49" Samsung Ultrawide (which I ****ing love by the way).
Personally, I didn't like the aggressive dimming with the LG C1. I was using it as a desktop monitor for gaming, and with a couple consoles. But within a few weeks I found myself just not even bothering to turn it on if I wasn't going to play a game, since it drops brightness pretty fast with static images. And I never did find a clean way to fix that.

I haven't played around with an Aorus but if it's more "PC Monitor-like" in terms of experience, turns itself on when the PC comes up, turns itself off when the PC goes to standby, doesn't auto-dim if there's a static image up after 3 minutes, etc... then I'd probably go with the Aorus.

There's a reason I had an LG C1 as a monitor for a couple months, only to relegate it to console games & streaming watching and replace it with a 49" Samsung Ultrawide (which I ****ing love by the way).

Ok - I really appreciate the feedback because I know jack all about modern monitors/Tvs.
But that dimming would drive me bananas, so I think I’ll shelve the C1 as an option for now and do some serious research on that more PC like Aorus.

I’ll also post new pics when my trash heap…er… is finished :p
Ok - I really appreciate the feedback because I know jack all about modern monitors/Tvs.
But that dimming would drive me bananas, so I think I’ll shelve the C1 as an option for now and do some serious research on that more PC like Aorus.

I’ll also post new pics when my trash heap…er… is finished :p

I'd suggest looking at the Aorus in person. Some of the reviews make it seem like the overall brightness is more limited than on the LG C1. I think it's the same LG panel and they just cap the brightness to prevent burn-in. But I haven't seen anyone complain about aggressive dimming on the Aorus.

Actually, now that I'm looking around, it looks like maybe the Aorus has some local dimming action going on there as well. Maybe not as bad or as aggressive as the LG C1.

The Aorus FO48U doesn't have quite as many burn in protection features as the LG C1. The C1 has automatic logo dimming and pixel shifting capabilities. Now, pixel shifting isn't great for desktop use, but it's not included at all on the Gigabyte model.

Gigabyte does implement automatic dimming after periods of inactivity, eventually culminating in a built-in screensaver after 15 minutes, though this only applies when the content on screen doesn't change at all. This is handy when you're away from your PC, but won't necessarily save it for actual use with static desktop apps. On a positive note, Gigabyte does include automatic pixel refreshers like the LG.


I'd suggest looking at the Aorus in person. Some of the reviews make it seem like the overall brightness is more limited than on the LG C1. I think it's the same LG panel and they just cap the brightness to prevent burn-in. But I haven't seen anyone complain about aggressive dimming on the Aorus.

Actually, now that I'm looking around, it looks like maybe the Aorus has some local dimming action going on there as well. Maybe not as bad or as aggressive as the LG C1.


I’m so glad you posted this and I saw it. My wife is trying to order it for me :lol: I told her hold off for now lol.

Solid advice. I bet one of Bestbuys Magnolia stores or Microcenter will have one I can look at. That overclockers review is a little disheartening, but also eye opening. Thank you again :up:
I’m so glad you posted this and I saw it. My wife is trying to order it for me :lol: I told her hold off for now lol.

Solid advice. I bet one of Bestbuys Magnolia stores or Microcenter will have one I can look at. That overclockers review is a little disheartening, but also eye opening. Thank you again :up:


She's awesome, and a sweetheart. Depending on where you order it from, I'm guessing most places would have a decent return policy. So it's not like you'd really be screwed. I think, personally, I'm staying away from OLED for a computer monitor until they can be used like any old PC monitor and don't have to fuss with powering on/off headaches, or the dimming thing that OLEDs do. I think the Aorus, by all accounts, solves the power on/off fuss, but looks like maybe it's still not 100% on the dimming experience.

She's awesome, and a sweetheart. Depending on where you order it from, I'm guessing most places would have a decent return policy. So it's not like you'd really be screwed. I think, personally, I'm staying away from OLED for a computer monitor until they can be used like any old PC monitor and don't have to fuss with powering on/off headaches, or the dimming thing that OLEDs do. I think the Aorus, by all accounts, solves the power on/off fuss, but looks like maybe it's still not 100% on the dimming experience.

Yeah she is :heart: I have to be careful what I say around her :lol:

I’m going to let this sit for a day - always do before large purchases - but I will certainly post all about the experience should I grab one. :)
I’m so glad you posted this and I saw it. My wife is trying to order it for me :lol: I told her hold off for now lol.

Solid advice. I bet one of Bestbuys Magnolia stores or Microcenter will have one I can look at. That overclockers review is a little disheartening, but also eye opening. Thank you again :up:

Dude. Wife her….. Oh yeah….
Well, she’s sharper than the average smokin hot wife and was apparently watching my screen and heard me say I really like it and

And now I have one too :lol:

Ok going to spend some time and thank her profusely.

Laterz :)

Delivery next Saturday. I can’t wait :D My oh so painful monitor hunt may be over lol. Will post impressions after :)
Delivery next Saturday. I can’t wait :D My oh so painful monitor hunt may be over lol. Will post impressions after :)

I’m really interested in hearing your thoughts and impressions. I’d suggested that same monitor to my brother the week before but there isn’t a Microcenter near where he lives so I wasn’t sure if he was going to get a chance to look it over first.

Also, are you planning on leaving that monitor on your desk or wall mounting it? It’s going over against the angled ceiling area right?
I’m really interested in hearing your thoughts and impressions. I’d suggested that same monitor to my brother the week before but there isn’t a Microcenter near where he lives so I wasn’t sure if he was going to get a chance to look it over first.

Also, are you planning on leaving that monitor on your desk or wall mounting it? It’s going over against the angled ceiling area right?

Yes, it will be against the angled wall. I’m exploring mounting options now. I got the antique desk and already started refinishing that and the final height after I get the new legs for it will in part determine the mounting height. Whatever mount I buy needs to have an aggressive tilt available, but I’m also debating a custom wooden “box” solution that would be part mount, part storage and part wire management. I‘d like it to be at least as clean, similar to this.

The height and angle of this is similar to mine.
