Hello all
I want to put this up to a debate because i am curious what you guys will bring up to the table.
The prices in europe not necesarily in my country because they are higher anyway are like this:
220 euro for rx 480 4gb reference
270 euro for rx 480 8gb reference
360 euro for fury pro on ebay for asus strix
On other shops i found it back to 431 euro from 350 euros
I play at 1080p and i love to go maxed out but not so much with AA..Also i may keep it for some years 3-4 years...
The 480 have all latest tech and is under 300 euros ...
The fury is one step before but not so faar as the 390/390x in terms of architecture...
i found this
I want to put this up to a debate because i am curious what you guys will bring up to the table.
The prices in europe not necesarily in my country because they are higher anyway are like this:
220 euro for rx 480 4gb reference
270 euro for rx 480 8gb reference
360 euro for fury pro on ebay for asus strix
On other shops i found it back to 431 euro from 350 euros
I play at 1080p and i love to go maxed out but not so much with AA..Also i may keep it for some years 3-4 years...
The 480 have all latest tech and is under 300 euros ...
The fury is one step before but not so faar as the 390/390x in terms of architecture...
i found this