RX480 or Fury Pro


New member
Hello all

I want to put this up to a debate because i am curious what you guys will bring up to the table.

The prices in europe not necesarily in my country because they are higher anyway are like this:
220 euro for rx 480 4gb reference
270 euro for rx 480 8gb reference
360 euro for fury pro on ebay for asus strix
On other shops i found it back to 431 euro from 350 euros

I play at 1080p and i love to go maxed out but not so much with AA..Also i may keep it for some years 3-4 years...

The 480 have all latest tech and is under 300 euros ...

The fury is one step before but not so faar as the 390/390x in terms of architecture...


i found this
You could see if nycdarkness still has his second Fury Pro for sale.


He was asking $360 shipped, but that's obviously to the U.S. Still since the Euro is $1.10 to the dollar, even with an increase in shipping price it might come out less than what you're seeing on Ebay.

That being said, how badly do you need to upgrade right now? Part of the reason I got a used Fury Pro a few weeks ago was that I was building a new machine for VR and basically needed something right away. But, I feel like overall this is sort of a bad time to upgrade. As 1070/1080 become more available it's going to push down the prices of the previous high end, and that will be more so once Vega comes out in October.

Buying in the mid-range seems like a better idea, since the 480 just came out, but I would not get a reference card. AMD's reference cooler is just the worst! So, I would at least wait for the custom cards to come out.

I was going to suggest considering a 290/X or 390/X on Ebay, but a quick look at the prices looks like they're not significantly cheaper than a 480 at about the same speed, so that seems like a bad option.

I would probably lean towards the 480 if I were you, but like I said, wait for the custom cards.
Hello all

I want to put this up to a debate because i am curious what you guys will bring up to the table.

The prices in europe not necesarily in my country because they are higher anyway are like this:
220 euro for rx 480 4gb reference
270 euro for rx 480 8gb reference
360 euro for fury pro on ebay for asus strix
On other shops i found it back to 431 euro from 350 euros

I play at 1080p and i love to go maxed out but not so much with AA..Also i may keep it for some years 3-4 years...

The 480 have all latest tech and is under 300 euros ...

The fury is one step before but not so faar as the 390/390x in terms of architecture...


i found this

id hold out for the aib 480s and decide. Only like a 13% increase for a fury pro that overclocked aib 480s should reach id think. Should still save u 70-90 euros and have a warranty.
The sapphire Nitro custom will be out on 22 july...

In february i sold a 3 months old gtx 970 so i am back on 6950 ... I waited so much i may wait a bit more for AIB cards and see if it's worth with oc...
The thing with buying from US is VAT 20% and another tax is added..One of my friends said that he bought from US something second hand and he eluded the taxations..I have to ask how he done it..
Let's say the shipping is 30$ + 360$ = 390$ and add to this sum 20% + another tax that i am not sure how much it is and you get the picture...
Just to lay this out there the 480 is a perfect card for 1080P even with AA, but obviously the Fury Pro is a little better. When/if you go 4K or whatever neither of those cards are sufficient for gaming at the res so you might as well save some money and pick the cheaper 480 reference or 3rd party option. Just my 2 cents.

PS: Yeah, the 390/390X is a perfectly fine substitution but you don't get the benefits of new tech and power saving features.
The sapphire Nitro custom will be out on 22 july...

In february i sold a 3 months old gtx 970 so i am back on 6950 ... I waited so much i may wait a bit more for AIB cards and see if it's worth with oc...
The thing with buying from US is VAT 20% and another tax is added..One of my friends said that he bought from US something second hand and he eluded the taxations..I have to ask how he done it..
Let's say the shipping is 30$ + 360$ = 390$ and add to this sum 20% + another tax that i am not sure how much it is and you get the picture...

you sold a gtx970 to buy a rx480? whatever floats your boat, i guess.
you sold a gtx970 to buy a rx480? whatever floats your boat, i guess.

When i sold the 970 i didn't know the performance from 480 or 1070 or whatever ... It was february ...I knew just many cards will be released from both camps on new node ...

bitterman: now i have no interest in 4k..1080p is fine maxed out but you have a point.The weakness for rx 480 is building up more when you up the resolution...
The card is very contrasty in some way...

Looking at this benchies from tom's hardware:


You have the Metro that fall to all cards 970 and 390 and you have Project Cars that is a king over all AMD cards still fall under 970.I suppose this is a nvidia game...

On the other hand why am i torturing my mind with all this numbers anyway ...After all i am the guy the can play with things dial down a little bit like hbao or shadows or no AA...Maybe the 970 raised the bar in my mind in the couple of months i had it..
I might be biased but I would go with the Fury Pro. Like you I too sold a 970 but unlike you I game at 1440 and the 970 was beginning to struggle in some games. The Fury Pro gave me between 30-50% more performance and the minimum frames were much better. It is super quite even when gaming and the temps are fine. It handles everything I throw at it no problem.

The other benefit and one of the reasons I bought it was it has HBM. With Vega coming out whenever and also big Pascal HBM will come into its own. AMD will start tweaking the drivers to get the best results from the HBM. The Fury Pro by default will obviously benefit.

I usually upgrade on a 12-18 month cycle but for the first time I'm contemplating keeping this card a bit longer as I think there is more to come from it when more HBM cards are available. Plus I have no interest in 4K so for 1440 I don't see it struggling for some time. The only AAA game I'm interested in is Battlefield 1 and I think my card will be more than sufficient to run that with good settings. The 480 might be "newer" but that does not always mean better.
To at least get some performance bump, you need to get a Fury Pro at the minimum. Alternatively, you can nab a 1070 and get a real man's performance.
Long term use meaning DX 12 performance needs to be there 2-3 years (still be in the DX 12 era with DX 11 pretty much gone on new games)

I say wait for the non reference AIB RX 480, 8gb versions which will also allow you to compare them to the 1060 GTX. I also do think that 6gb limitation on the 1060 will start to be significant 2-3 years later.

I think the RX 480 will be better overall in the DX 12 department, it just has more hardware to support DX 12 where it counts. Plus with Microsoft laying the foundation for EMA (Explicit Multiple Adaptor) making it easier for developers to just make more then one card work, the 480 becomes even more enticing in the long run with option of picking up one at a much lower price when needed. Besides all the VR benefits if they pan out.

To at least get some performance bump, you need to get a Fury Pro at the minimum. Alternatively, you can nab a 1070 and get a real man's performance.

how many euros does a 1070 cost badsykes?

In my country a 1070 cheapest is 475 euro .. In europe the cheapest is 460 euro ... so not big deal..
At least is not 500 euro anymore...The price is aproaching 380 euro that i would say is the "non-founders" tax...
In 1080p the 1070 is around 20% better than fury pro.When you get fury pro at 350 euro the 1070 is more expensive than 20%...


At 1440p the 1070 performance is only 15% over Fury pro and more than 20% more expensive...Actually perforamnce may be better on 1070 but is also more expensive factoring the new price adjustments...I do feel the Fury pro hold it's ground pretty good for 350 euro ..
Long term use meaning DX 12 performance needs to be there 2-3 years (still be in the DX 12 era with DX 11 pretty much gone on new games)

I say wait for the non reference AIB RX 480, 8gb versions which will also allow you to compare them to the 1060 GTX. I also do think that 6gb limitation on the 1060 will start to be significant 2-3 years later.

I think the RX 480 will be better overall in the DX 12 department, it just has more hardware to support DX 12 where it counts. Plus with Microsoft laying the foundation for EMA (Explicit Multiple Adaptor) making it easier for developers to just make more then one card work, the 480 becomes even more enticing in the long run with option of picking up one at a much lower price when needed. Besides all the VR benefits if they pan out.


What a coicidence ... THe begining of the era of cards at gtx 980 performance level with NO sli connectors in same timeframe with Microsoft making it easier in DX12 to use multi-GPU ...
Now when we may finally "solve" the complexity of multi-gpu there we have gpu's without SLI ... How comic and funny is this situation ...
If this DX12 is implemented properly i see a surge of gtx 980 prices in second hand market for the sole reason that 1060 gtx have no SLI support ...
:lol: :lol: :heart: :heart:
How one cannot love Nvidia ... :heart: :heart:
I wish them all the love in the world ...
What a coicidence ... THe begining of the era of cards at gtx 980 performance level with NO sli connectors in same timeframe with Microsoft making it easier in DX12 to use multi-GPU ...
Now when we may finally "solve" the complexity of multi-gpu there we have gpu's without SLI ... How comic and funny is this situation ...
If this DX12 is implemented properly i see a surge of gtx 980 prices in second hand market for the sole reason that 1060 gtx have no SLI support ...
:lol: :lol: :heart: :heart:
How one cannot love Nvidia ... :heart: :heart:
I wish them all the love in the world ...

In actuality under DX12 since your on the bandwagon you wouldn't need an SLI connector to support Multi-GPU anyways as you can mix and match video cards and even have an AMD Card + Nvidia Card to boost performance. So not having an SLI dongle wouldn't really matter anyways.

Its all developer choice now to enable the Multi-GPU side.
It has great fps in 1080p (90-100 fps) on that vid and decent on 1440 (doesnt seem to drop under 30). Both results being DX 11 I wonder about DX 12 when Dice enables it.
In actuality under DX12 since your on the bandwagon you wouldn't need an SLI connector to support Multi-GPU anyways as you can mix and match video cards and even have an AMD Card + Nvidia Card to boost performance. So not having an SLI dongle wouldn't really matter anyways.

Its all developer choice now to enable the Multi-GPU side.

Nvidia WILL break multi-GPU in their drivers; can't let cheap cards compete with their halo cards. They've done it before... disabling Physx if you installed NV and ATI cards in the same system.