Remote Wonder Working


New member
Hi all,

I bought a remote wonder and for the next three nights, I didn't sleep cos I wanted to get it working :cry: . Anyway, these were my problems. :D

I accidentally plugged in the receiver before installing the software. When I realised that, I did an uninstall and reinstalled this time RW not plugged in.

The icon did not appear near the time. And when I press any button the red light goes on but nothing happens. The red light on the receiver was also on. There were no errors though. Well after trying everything on all the forums downloading 10x and everything there was no improvement. As I just installed windows, I thought there was no harm so I reinstalled windows too, but no improvement. I downloaded new drivers and this is what it said:

Error 1904.Module C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl\ATIRW.DLL failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473 Contact your support personnel

“when I restart my computer it says”

ATIRW.exe - Unable to locate component. This application has failed to start because MFC71.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem

Very frustrating! :mad:

What I did was I installed Remote Wonder (RW) on another computer, this time doing wverything right; installing softwares and connecting the receiver and running “ATI Remote Wonder from the program list”…. BUM the icon appears and everything works.

My next step … I uninstall RW from the working computer reinstall it again, and it doesn’t work. I tried everything again. Installing 10x, doing all the registry tweaks etc. no improvement.

Finally, I realised that there are two drivers on the installation CD: “ATI Remote Wonder” and “ATI Remote Wonder controller”. If you the right installation, your USB uses the second driver, but if you install in wrongly or reinstall it tends to use the first one. So here’s the solution:

I went to the control panel and Hardwares and USB device with “ATI Remote Wonder” and updated the drivers, this time letting the computer list the drivers on the computer, so I can select them manually. It listed two and I selected the “ATI Remote Wonder controller” and immediately the icon appeared and now RW works on both computers. :lol:

This story is long, but I hope it helps someone out. Thanks,

Is this a remote wonder I, or II?

And what devices do you have showing up in the control panel. I installed 2.3 again and got it to work, but when I tried to get 3.2 working, which I need, I end up with similar errors to you. I noticed 2.3 lists

ATI Remote Wonder Controller
Remote wonder II pointing device
REmote wonder II Input Device

3.2 only list
Remote Wonder Controller

And nothing works.
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Well I got mine working as well, thanks for the help.
In my situation what made it work was installing the 2.3 driver slike normal, and then installing 3.2 over the top w/o uninstalling first. I have always been told that it is a no no to do that, but I figured I would give it a shot, and it worked. When windows first loaded it said.
There are currently 2 connected devices using windriver.
Please disconnect or uninstall all connected devices from the device manager and press Retry
To reload windriver, press Cancel and reboot.
So I just pressed cancel, and viola! Everything works perfectly, the error message did not reappear after another reboot either.

I must admit I am dissapointed with ATI over this, it seems that they fixed their graphics driver problems, and I must admit their drivers for video cards are superb now, but it seems that peripherals have not been adressed.
Odd, mine doesnt list a controller in the manual select, and I've lost my driver cd =/ can someone post a rar of the drivers? (Tried the new ones off the site, don't work...)
I am gonna bump this one up! This is exactly what I did and this works to fix it.

Thanks RapZee :D
ATI Wonder - Finally Working

ATI Wonder - Finally Working

Hiya guys. I've been lurking and wanted to let you know that after buying this thing on Ebay and almost throwing it in the garbage, I got it to work with your suggestions! I did bascially, the same thing as Rap Zee above and got the same error:

Error 1904.Module C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl\ATIRW.DLL failed to register. HRESULT -2147220473 Contact your support personnel

It seems that the fix is a little different for everyone. I had tried everything including installing the X10 driver, etc, etc... removing everything and installing and unplugging in various combinations.

First I uninstalled everything and deleted all ATI directories and folders. I disabled Norton (don't know if this made any difference) and I installed the 2.5 ATI driver.

However, what I think worked for me was to play with the USB drivers as suggested by Rap Zee (Control Panel/System/Hardware/Device Manager/USB... then right click on the USB with the ATI Wonder designation). Click on "Update driver" and then "let me choose driver" (from list). I actually had two different USB ports with the ATI transceiver driver on one (didn't change this one) and the ATI Wonder driver on the other. I changed the ATI Wonder driver on the 2nd USB to the "ATI Wireless Remote Receiver V2.36" which appeared in the list of drivers and suddenly the icon appeared in the tray and it worked!

Thanks a lot, especially to Zee for the pointers. Thought I would log in and share the information for someone else in gratitude! This has been frustraaaaaating and I'm glad we finally solved it! I haven't tried the 3.0 drivers - don't think I want to touch it now. :drool:
Hi guys,

I've been lurking for a while reading all these RW posts and I'm getting frustrated.

I'm having similar problems trying to get my RWII to work.

Installation seems to go fine with no error messages, but the remote simply doesn't work. I've never seen the tray icon, only the "safely add/remove hardware" one. I get a message that the software was installed and the Remote Wonder is ready to use but it doesn't work. It shows up in the Device Manager and the ATIRW.exe is running, the conrol panel for it seems to work fine as well.

I've installed/uninstalled about 10 times now. Trying different suggestions all along the way...registry changes, a couple different versions of the drivers, allowing XP to do it itself, forcing it myself...

One thing bothering me is that I've never seen any kind of light on the reciever...many posts have mentioned a light on the reciever. Do all models have a light on the reciever? I've looked closely at the reciever and I don't even see anywhere that looks like a light...the remote lights up with button presses.

I'm going to try the method above by cyberbitus but I'm not holding out much hope at this point.
Yep, The remote wonder receiver has a red light on it. And it should be allways lit while your computer is on, If it is not then you are not going to have a working remote.
spitoon said:
One thing bothering me is that I've never seen any kind of light on the reciever...many posts have mentioned a light on the reciever. Do all models have a light on the reciever? I've looked closely at the reciever and I don't even see anywhere that looks like a light...the remote lights up with button presses.

I'm going to try the method above by cyberbitus but I'm not holding out much hope at this point.

The light on the receiver should look like this:

RAPZEE- THANK YOU!!! I've been going crazy trying to figure this one out. Updating the ATI Remote Control driver to the ATI Wireless 2.36, etc. etc does the trick!!!

P.S. If anyone cares, I did get the 3.02 drivers installed at one point but they didn't work either - I suspect this trick might do it though. Anyway, for the brave:
1) Install the 3.02 drivers and get all the registration errors.
2) Sweep your computer for or download MFC71.DLL and MSVCR71.DLL and copy them into both the RemCtrl and RemCtrl/drivers folders.
3) Uninstall 3.02 (the directory structure stays) and reinstall them. All the DLLs will register this time.

If anyone tries the RapZee trick with these, please post.
Is my remote faulty??

Is my remote faulty??

Just 'wondering' if anyone had any thoughts on this?:

I have a Remote Wonder and it's just never worked.

Somewhere in the forums here someone mentioned "If you get a system tray icon then it's working" - but I get a system tray icon...and...nothing. The install goes fine (no errors). Light on the receiver is on. Light on the remote goes on when you press a button.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, updating drivers, using old drivers (though not the 2.3 version - earliest I could find on ati was 2.5) following pretty much every version recommended here without luck.

Has anyone else had a system tray icon but a non-functioning remote?


Hi folks,

I just purchased the ATI TV Wonder Elite with the ATI Remote Wonder (Plus/pro) I think. I just had a similar experience to the one described above. When I first installed the software everything worked perfectly. I then installed a USB device (a belkin usb to serial port converter) and BeyondTv4 so I could control my satellite box. Somewhere in that process of updating/installing/adding I lost sight of my ATI remote icon. Last night I tried for about 2 hours to uninstall/install etc etc and I still can't get it to show up... although the atirw.exe process is running. I will try some of these tricks when I get home to see if they work. I'm trying to use the new 3.02 drivers... I think my installation cd came with 3.01. Any other helpful hints please post!

Thank you

I've got the same problem, did you get rw3.01/3.02 running? I've tried both, got same results

no system tray icon, atirw.exe process running = no go

had error 1904, X10net.dll failed to register error
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it worked like a charm. UUUUUUU Daaaaaaa Mannnn!!!!!!

you put a smile on my face, made my day.

Have a Great New Year!
punkbot said:
RAPZEE- THANK YOU!!! I've been going crazy trying to figure this one out. Updating the ATI Remote Control driver to the ATI Wireless 2.36, etc. etc does the trick!!!

P.S. If anyone cares, I did get the 3.02 drivers installed at one point but they didn't work either - I suspect this trick might do it though. Anyway, for the brave:
1) Install the 3.02 drivers and get all the registration errors.
2) Sweep your computer for or download MFC71.DLL and MSVCR71.DLL and copy them into both the RemCtrl and RemCtrl/drivers folders.
3) Uninstall 3.02 (the directory structure stays) and reinstall them. All the DLLs will register this time.

If anyone tries the RapZee trick with these, please post.
Trioed with 3.03 and worked .. thanks.
You can make the dir structure yourself and copy the dlls and install only once ;).
Thanks for the tip .. i was going crazy installing the drivers for the 10 time.
rammstein said:
Just 'wondering' if anyone had any thoughts on this?:

I have a Remote Wonder and it's just never worked.

Somewhere in the forums here someone mentioned "If you get a system tray icon then it's working" - but I get a system tray icon...and...nothing. The install goes fine (no errors). Light on the receiver is on. Light on the remote goes on when you press a button.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, updating drivers, using old drivers (though not the 2.3 version - earliest I could find on ati was 2.5) following pretty much every version recommended here without luck.

Has anyone else had a system tray icon but a non-functioning remote?
i have an ati all in wonder radeon 8500 dv
i've had nightmares trying to get both the REMOTE and the CAPTURE working at the same time. i've probly reinstalled the os over a dozen times trying different methods of installing the vid card drivers and getting them to work with sp2.
I've just recently been able to finally get sp2 installed and the video capture to work.
i've plugged the RF usb in and windows detects it and adds it to the tray, yet nothing from the remote works. I installed the 1.2 drivers and the same thing. the remote is in the system tray, but no response.

now in the past the only way i got the remote to work was to upgrade all the drivers off of ati's website including the MMC, Catalyst drivers, and everything else associated with the ati all in wonder. after all the updates this almost always leaves my tv CAPTURE ability useless and i get nothing but errors when i try to open any of the ATI video capture components - the only plus side, is that my remote worked!!! what good is it if none of the video works? i would uninstall everything and reinstall, try different components at different times but i could usually NEVER get tv capture working again until i reinstalled the os
this has been beyond frustrating and i've never ever come accross drivers and support this horrible for a prodoct, ever!

anyways i'll try these suggestions earlier in the post and hopefully something will work so that i can watch tv and have the remote working at the same time (imagine that, the product doing what it's supposed to!?!)

thanks for the tips and i'm glad i found this, as ATI doesn't seem to want to support a "forum" for thier products on their website (gee i wonder why?) :bleh:
I haven't been able to get my Remote Wonder working in some time. I had uninstalled and reinstalled drivers ad nauseum. Then I heard the news that ATI had released NEW drivers. Hope springs eternal!! I installed them and got the dreaded:

Error 1904.Module C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl\ATIRW.DLL failed to register. HRESULT-2147220473. Contact your support personnel.

Rebooting gave me:

ATIRW.exe - Unable to Locate Component
This application has failed to start because MFC71.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

Crap! But punkbot's post seemed logical. So I downloaded MFC71.DLL, copied it in the directories he noted, uninstalled and rebooted. Re-installing the newest drivers went slickly. I then plugged in the USB connector and watched in awe as the icon appeared and the remote began working!

Thank you. :)

As always... YMMV :p
Another Method

Another Method

After a few months of leaving my RWII disconnected out of frustration, I noticed that ATI had released an updated driver for it and attempted to install that in the hopes that the remote would start working again, but to no avail. I tried following the tips in this and other forums, which had worked in the past (temporarily), but I was still unable to get it to work.

On a whim, however, I tried copying the contents of the RWII's application directory (it was "C:\Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl" for me) into "C:\Windows\system32\" (after ending the atirw.exe process). I registered the two main DLLs (ATIRW.dll and x10net.dll) with regsvr32, and tried running atirw.exe again, and to my surprise, the tray icon was back, as was the full functionality of the remote control! I also updated the path of atirw.exe in the shortcut to it in the Startup folder.

Just another method to try for those of you who still can't get it to work. :)