Radeon Software Crimson ReLive edition 16.12.1

Will this stop the AMD drivers are bad myth? I don't think so. No matter what AMD does they still get the bad press just look at some comments on the comment section of that article to see it, is like, if AMD is making better drivers then the older ones surely were bad or AMD didn't knew how to code to its own hardware...

No people AMD makes the hardware, they know perfectly the ins and outs of it, without knowing more about it, i assume they are just refactoring their old software, they started on the interface side, now perhaps they went deeper, perhaps removing unnecessary stuff and optimizing others, is a normal thing to do when a code base reaches a certain age and complexity.

Is like D3D11/OpenGL vs Vulkan/D3D12, is not like the past graphics API's were bad code or not optimized code or even bad design, they are just a old software design and paradigm, carrying a very old baggage that in this day and age doesn't really serve the new hardware design and games necessities, specially AAA games.

IMO this is exactly what is happening to AMD GPU drivers their old design was not bad is just not well suited to their "new" GCN GPU's so why this article claims the new drivers increase performance for GCN only.

I was never a AMD fanboy but later i'm more and more sounding like one, all because day after day i'm seeing that this company is getting shafted not because it really deserves it, but because the other side has a bigger army of fanboys willing to lie and fight for it and a army of misinformed users recommending it like there's nothing better around.
It adds their version of shadowplay, so no need for another program like plays.tv

Wattman for R9 FURY/300/200

H.265 encoding.

Freesync in borderless fullscreen

7950/7970 still supported

Free, no registration required
Why does everyone call it "their version of shadowplay" like nvidia invented the stuff or something? :confused:
Will this stop the AMD drivers are bad myth? I don't think so.
AMD drivers stopped being bad when they introduced Catalyst. But the nVidia trolls won't let it go, of course, if though I also had some major issues with nVidia drivers.

Who cares. I'm excited by those news, and I can't wait to try out that new stuff coming from AMD... and with no damned registration like for nVidia.
Those who actually spend time using their AMD drivers as intended know they've been good for quite a while. I'm glad they continue to focus on improvements. This release looks really good.
Downloaded it just now. Wattman looks awful compared to the old software. It doesn't look very intuitive at all. I have to go out shortly so might have a play later. Where are the new supposed freesync controls?
Downloaded it just now. Wattman looks awful compared to the old software. It doesn't look very intuitive at all. I have to go out shortly so might have a play later. Where are the new supposed freesync controls?

Just the opposite for me, Wattman looks great! I like that you can record data per game, setup per game etc. Plus it has voltage control for my Nano which makes it very convenient.
If the only complaints so far are the aesthetics or layout of the new drivers maybe that's a good thing.

Aesthetics overall blows away Nvidia drivers 5 to 1. Each their own I guess.

To me Wattman is self explanatory and easy to setup fan profiles, clocking zones with each one having a set voltage etc. - it's fantastic! While being uber easy at the same time as being very compact.