Poll on new drivers

Poll on new drivers

  • They are great. Best yet

    Votes: 42 33.3%
  • They are OK. Some things need some tweaking

    Votes: 59 46.8%
  • They suck. Going back to older version.

    Votes: 20 15.9%
  • Dont know. All I do is run 3DMark 24/7 and have never played a game.

    Votes: 5 4.0%

  • Total voters
From a post on another topic:

Well, I finally got the MMC 7.7 to work. It only took installing the capture software (thanks to seeing many other people having the same problem and solution). What I don't understand is that ATI makes it hard for you install software in the wrong sequence with the MMC and the remote - so why not the drivers? It would have been nice to have the driver installation stop due the fact that the capture software was not installed. Oh well, I at least have my software working again.
chip_bendle said:
Ok.. now on to the MMC 7.7 update. I ran that and apparently it doesnt update the version number of the tv splash screen - atill says 7.6 anyone else with this issue?

The version number should change if you installed it correctly.

My suggestion is to uninstall all the MMC stuff and try to install it again. (Maybe you didn't reinstall after the driver update?) As I said earlier, capture works better with the update now.