Pentium IV = Joke

Ah! GT2K, U're using the IEEE-1180 highest quality iDCT setting. No wonder it took so long.

Frankly speaking, do you notice any difference between the MMX iDCT and the Ref. iDCT? Maybe I should do a test soon to find out... coz the MMX seems to be much faster.

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
Check out this review on the P4.

A lot of good technical stuff.

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
Just give Intel time to revise the core and it should wind up a ton better. Remember how the first P3s (katmais) were crap? And the first celerons (non L2), and the first PIIs (ghey old klamaths)? It is sad though as to why they have to revamp the core to get it right, the way it should've been to begin with. It does at least bring some nice improvements overall. Of course, it is also very retarded on intel's side of the court that they're moving to a whole 'nother design spec next year (new socket and chipset)...

Oh well, as soon as AMD SMP systems come out, then that's when the **** hits the fan for dear old intel. Still gonna take a good long time for the workstation and server markets to convert though.
Well... I'm not an Intel engineer but I work in this field so I understand their position.

Basically, marketing and business pple like to say to get the job right the first time. Most senior engineers will also agree with this point, but it is easier said than done!

Every new technology has its own quirks and perks. Many engineers will hope that the perks will cover the quirks but that's usually not the case. Coupled with the fact that the business side wants the product YESTERDAY, engineers are faced with the dilemma of getting it right or getting it out of the door. Unfortunately, most choose the latter or the company can go bust.

I'm a research engineer doing low-level firmware protocol stack stuff, not unlike those Intel comrades doing micro-code (but their's are 2 order of magnitude lower than mine) and it's very hard to cover everything. That's why we have revisions upon revisions, it's a necessary evil but it ensures that end-users get to see results, else, the company can go down even before the end-users get to even sniff the thing.

The first version is always one that has some known issues that will be solved when given time, but THEY do solved. The trick is balancing the number of known issues that are shipped to the amount of time you can get the issues fixed.

So bear with them. AMD's engineers TOO took a long time to get the Athlon out and the first issue had tons of problems as well, but just look at the TBird now! :)

So I say that the P4 is definitely NOT crap and RDRAM does have its place. Actually part of the latency problem is caused by Intel's mobo. If there's a controller per RIMM instead of 2 RIMM to 1 controller now, the latency will be much lower. This will also solve the problem of the latency increasing as you add more RIMMs.

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
P4 is not inferior... it can go faster than TBs at most apps... and no TBs can run at 2GHz yet, meanwhile some freak had a P4 @2GHz (oc/d)... i dont think TBs would get much faster than it is right now...

i dont hate AMD.. im personally seeking to buy a Duron 650... i dont really like AMD systems, its not very stable, thats probably the reason why AMDs are not used as servers.. lots of companies use lots of servers, so i dont see AMD taking over Intel anytime soon, or in the near future..
Celeron rule!

Celeron rule!

i never used AMD and i don't want to do it...
Celeron is the best for price/performance, and for now,
i've got CeleronII 566 @ 850...
850 MHz - it is more than i need now
i'm very glad, i've bought it in september 1999 for only $70 and i didn't ever had to change my old 440BX motherboard!!!
I have to agree

I have to agree

Neotic said:
almost forgot
AMD is the King
predicted it would take over back in the K6 days and flash to the present and whose the king baby, AMD is, OOOOOOOH YEEEEEEEEAH!

I don't suffer from INSANITY, I enjoy every MINUTE of it!!!!!!!!!!

T-Bird 900@1 Gig
256 PC-100
Radeon 64mb VIVO (7020's and DX8)

"For death awaits you all in the form of big teeth like this!"

I made the same prediction when I got my k62 300
teeact said:
P4 is not inferior... it can go faster than TBs at most apps... and no TBs can run at 2GHz yet, meanwhile some freak had a P4 @2GHz (oc/d)... i dont think TBs would get much faster than it is right now...

i dont hate AMD.. im personally seeking to buy a Duron 650... i dont really like AMD systems, its not very stable, thats probably the reason why AMDs are not used as servers.. lots of companies use lots of servers, so i dont see AMD taking over Intel anytime soon, or in the near future..

What do you mean ANDTECH has several athlon servers and actually they use the althlon servers for serve the parts of the site that get hit the most.
Clock Speed

Clock Speed

teeact said:
P4 is not inferior... it can go faster than TBs at most apps... and no TBs can run at 2GHz yet, meanwhile some freak had a P4 @2GHz (oc/d)... i dont think TBs would get much faster than it is right now...

Don't confuse clock speed with actual performance. That's what Intel wants consumers to think : clock speed as a measure of performance but you have to do it within the same architecture, otherwise it's comparing apples to oranges.

Currently, The T-Birds ARE faster at most apps, but when SSE2 comes online it will be interesting how the Hammers compete.
backWERD said:
I heard amd is going with SSE2 on their HAMMERS and doing away with 3dnow

Yeah, that's what I meant to say, SSE2 for P4 and Hammers. Sorry if that wasn't clear. SSE2 will even things out and we will be able to compare performance properly.

AMD will never abandon 3dNow!, it will continue to support but not improve it.
backWERD said:

What do you mean ANDTECH has several athlon servers and actually they use the althlon servers for serve the parts of the site that get hit the most.

That why anandtech is so bad? :p


Sledgehammer here I come!
AMD rules right now, and they most likley will rule the future too

it's nice to see that Intel is challenged like this
now what we need is an OS battle Linux vs Windows

Swedens largest internet-provider "Telia" just converted to Linux for most of their servers, that's sooooo nice