Hidden in plain sight
I'm surprised that they never released a version with higher clocked memory, isn't one of the main bottlenecks of the switch the fact that the gpu screaming for more bandwidth?
The thing was already clocked down from even the Stadia (peak Tegra X1?) spec (2 times, one for handheld and one for docked mode) so there was a deficit there....and the battery life wasnt great. I think the only they could have possibly done was kill the battery life and enable the "stock" Tegra clocks. The gains may not have been worth it to them.
It was already a baffling decision to use the Tegra X1 over the X2 at the time.
They must have had a sweetheart of a deal with nvidia to use it.
Considering the X1 was at the tail end of its production run and the X2 was i think a generation or 2 old and was falling behind other newer mobile SoCs at the time, they could have fared alot better performance wise with the x2 (and i think that one actually supported DLSS...which could have helped even more)