As a Anti-New World player because I want Lost Ark to come out ASAP. I will admit New World is better than I expected.
However there are some glaring issues.
First off character design. Whoever designed these hair styles, and models, I cannot understand anyone thinking this is even funny. They are so bad it's a joke. We are talking below indie quality. This isn't for realism factor, these are just dumb.
Secondly, there is zero direction in the game, which is kinda nice. This game feels more like Skyrim/Fall out to me than it does an MMO, I do like the relaxing feeling go explore, not tied down to anything. But this game describes nothing, and that could be frustrating for some.
That being said, the game looks great, it's incredible in some spots, let alone for an MMO, period this game looks fantastic in the environments. Which brings me back to point about the character design and hair models. I just don't get it, it's like they are two completely different games.
Overall the game feels like it came out to early. It feels as if they started the enviormental stuff years ago, then went, wait, we need character models! And put the B team on it.