~ Official GAMING ON ANDROID thread ~


Mini Motor Racing

Market Link: http://tinyurl.com/d425re5

It's like a cross between Reckless Racing 2 and Bang Bang Racing. There are minor upgrades for the cars and the races for the most part are decent lengths of around 3-6 laps depending on the track. It's has several different options for control so pretty much everyone should be able to find one which works for them (and their device). The menus are a little laggy on my Xoom but the gameplay is fine. There is no "back" option to leave the game, you just hit your Android Home button so that's a little lame. Otherwise, it's a good fun.

Market link: http://tinyurl.com/78khwcu

It plays great on my Xoom and is a lot of fun. I'm not sure how it would fair on a phone, but it also works great using my Fling controller. We'll worth it on a tablet (and it was .99 cents a few days ago).

Market link: http://tinyurl.com/6ursr8w

Killer Bean Unleashed

It's a simple platformer with decent graphics. The controls are simple which you basically have left, right, jump and shoot. No duck or anything which I think would have moved this from an ok game to a really good game (i.e. like a D-pad control style). As is, the play is fluid on my Xoom and it's fun for a little while.
Spirit HD

I really like this game, it's similar to Geometry Wars. And it works great on both my Droid 2's 3.7" screen as well as my HP TouchPad's 10" screen.


Important: For a time this game would not install on ICS from Google Play. I think this has since been resolved, but in case anyone has trouble I got around the problem by using Titanium Backup. I backed up from my Droid 2 (2.3.7), copied the backup to my TouchPad (4.04), and restored on the TouchPad. You can probably also side-load it in ICS.
I hate whoever posted about Dungeon Raid.
Several hours lost over this :mad:

All joking aside, it's a good game, although I'm finding it very difficult to progress

Mad Skills Motocross

Market Link: http://tinyurl.com/7tzjjjz

It's like a cross between Excitebike and some of the 'trials' type motorcycle games. It's pretty fun, although frustrating at times. The on screen buttons are placed a little odd, at least for me. I end up hitting the wrong button or completely missing the location of the buttons at times. There are some stability issues with some devices, but overall a very fun game. They are working on issues so I'm sure most of them will be cleared up soon.
excitebike? I played the hell out of it back then on NES :drool: trying MSM now!

meh, not fun at all... uninstalled :bleh:
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meh, not fun at all... uninstalled :bleh:

You are too hard to please I guess. ;) I do enjoy it however I'm not a huge mobile gamer so maybe I'm easily impressed. :)


Word Shaker

Market Link: http://tinyurl.com/d3p72on

Pretty fun word search game. You try to find letters you can string along to create words. The letters do not have to be in a straight line, but they do need to be in order (i.e. you have to be able to draw in a line). When you can't find any more words, shake your device and a new set of letters are provided. There is a free trial version available.
Radiant Defence, pretty sweet tower defence game.
Has a setup phase where you can build with blocks (number of blocks based on the level, and given out per wave) to make your own lane.

I can't get passed the third mission on radiant... :(

I think I lost too many lives and have to restart the mission.

I like how there is apparently no sell penalty.
I can't get passed the third mission on radiant... :(

I think I lost too many lives and have to restart the mission.

I like how there is apparently no sell penalty.
It is kinda hard, I´ve restarted entire missions from scratch several times now.
But it´s fairly easy to try a wave and restart it, so you can make sure you´re at the very minimum you need, and keep a big cash buffer.
Interest seems to cap on 500 (ie the 10% you get seems to max at 50).
But some waves are a ton harder then others depending how you built, so that buffer can be critical.
There seems to be a sell penalty, but I´ve seen stuff sell at full price so it may be if you sell it the same wave you place it you get full refund?

Great TD, I bought all the weapon packs just to support it since the game is free.
So I'm new to the Android thing but thought I'd share some of the games that I really like to play on my Galaxy S3 that I've had for a couple months now. FYI, my preference is for addicting, generally non-puzzle puzzle, quick to pickup and put down games.

Air Control (lite ver is free) - Really cool game where you have to land multiple airplanes similtaneously from a top down view with out them crashing.

Bike Race - Newer, really addicting game like the old school elastomania but a lot faster... This one is addictive folks.

Song Pop is hella fun to play with friends if y'all havent tried it yet. Basically you send challenges back and forth to each other. Points are awarded based on your ability to sucessfully name the artist or song when a random clip plays.

I also play freecell and solitare... there's a lot of versions out there so find one that you like but I thought I'd share that b/c sometimes a simple throwback can be very fun.


EDIT: Whoever suggested this stickman golf game is the boss.
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Big Win Soccer

Market Link: http://tinyurl.com/9x7yjmv

This is basically a card game. You don't physically play the game of soccer. You build a team, using cards, and then play matches against other teams. You earn gold and bucks for playing and then use those to get more cards. The cards are typically one of a few categories:

* Player
* Team single game enhancement
* Player upgrade
* New team outfit design
* Player contract

There are also levels to the cards like bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The players have various skills like an RPG game:

* Passing
* Run
* Defense
* Shot
* Reaction
* Hands

The players themselves only have a few slots for skills which can then be upgraded. The slots, like the cards, can only be upgraded by color. So if you have a forward with a "Shot" slot open, he can use a bronze card to upgrade. However, if there are more bronze cards available for "Shot" he cannot use them. He can then only upgrade his bronze "Shot" slot to a higher card (silver, gold or platinum). However, if you have more slots available, you can have more than one "Shot" slots.

The players have contracts. The contracts last X number of games before you need a card to renew them; however they have limited renewals before the player retires. You can use "bucks" to revive a retired player. When a player's contract expires, they can still play but their stats are cut in half. If a player gets injured, they can still play as well but their stats will be cut in half.

Sounds all good right? Well, here's where things break down. When you start a match, you can pick 3 "Game Cards" to use. You have no idea who you are matched against or what cards they are playing, which is fine. However, the actual results of the matches seem completely random. Your team will play like studs when playing better teams and lose to teams which by stats, you should demolish. Also, you can pay real money for gold/bucks so some of the teams will be extremely built with very low rankings. You don't have to watch the matches if you don't want to.. In most cases, that's a good thing as the players have the worst logic most of the times. You'll have your forward driving towards the goalie, only to get to the box and pass it back to a midfielder who then passes it to the other team. Also, I've never seen so many goals scored on free kicks in my life. There is a card to aid this which I assume is why they made it this way, but a free kick just outside the goal box is basically an automatic goal without the right card played. Your goalie will be able to stop just about anything else, which is sad.

This game has so much promise, so I hope they work on it. They have other "Big Win" sports games, but this is the only one I tried.

Market Link: http://tinyurl.com/6tb9vlf

It's basically a math based Tetris style game. It's good for kids as well as adults. I grabbed it as the free app of the day a while back on Amazon, but I do think it's worth a buck.