Its all good. Id start with the cable like Nunz said. Hopefully that fixes all of it.
I hope so - I’ll update after I get it.
Appreciate the feedback
Its all good. Id start with the cable like Nunz said. Hopefully that fixes all of it.
Seems like a bunch of settings that just can't work together.
First thing I think I'd experiment with is dropping the refresh rate. If that makes the rest work, then you have your answer (PS5 doesn't do 120 Hz refresh, right?)
Then another test is dropping to 2k resolution and see if HDR works at 120 Hz.
I hope it fixes your issue.
If not, it's going to be difficult to troubleshoot further. It's not like it's easy (re: cheap) to acquire a different 4K/120Hz/HDR TV or laptop.
The 5800H runs with integrated graphics .. I wonder if the integrated graphics (when the 3060 is shut down for power-savings) isn't capable, and that's causing the dump out. I'm sure you have it plugged in to the charger since you have it hooked up to your 55" OLED, but just an idea here ..
Ensure you set your Windows power-plan to high performance, and look at any options that have to do with power-saving, or sleeping of the 3060. In your NV control panel, set power management to "Prefer Max Performance" in Global settings, just for testing purposes.
Hopefully we can get this fixed before the 25th
Wow. That was easy
WOAH! I just changed scaling in the NV cp to aspect ratio instead of full screen and I have my TV rez options back!
I need to play with this a bit - I am NOT in the know here lol.
Edit: That was it! I have auto HDR showing supported now…under “adjust desktop size and position” in the NV panel, I set it to over ride games/programs and set it to 1440p and 120hz and the “HDR” prompt came up on the CX - windows control panel confirms it.
Now to test a game….
Edit:2 YES! I have to select “Show only on 2” but it prompted me to enable HDR in game and it is freaking gorgeous
Oh, I also reconnected the PS5 cable - so definitely ordering that cable you recommended Nunz
I should have just asked you what your settings were at I still want to replace the cable though
Well I connect through the USB C to a DP non HDR monitor so don't know if I would have been able to help much.
It’s all good my friend. I’m just happy it’s working now.
Same here!
Just a quick update: Got and hooked up the cables today and it looks like it was a combination of cables + those settings. I have HDR all over the place now, practically spilling off my desk...