My project (screenshot included)

Humus said:
I squeezed the performance up quite a lot today. :) Went from 13fps to 40fps in 1600x1200x32 in a scene with lot of medium sized lights. :) That's 3x the performance, quite a boost :D
And there's still room for improvement. :)

Just wondering... What did you do to get it faster?
wow, nice work humus. Umm, i'm assuming that the numbers are frame counters, and you'll prolly up the poly counts a bit :). Just a suggestion, if you can, find a way to appeal the the 8500's culling capabilites, might save your skin in terms of frames and allow you to add a few polys. Just my 2 cents... :) great work tho

I already do! :)
I'm drawing strictly front to back, so the HierarchicalZ should really help the performance. I haven't done any tests to see how big difference it does though.
NitroGL said:

Just wondering... What did you do to get it faster?

I wrote a small bool Polygon::sphereIntersects(pos, radius) function, so I can cull lights that are too far away to make a difference. Saves loads of fillrate :)
Humus said:

I wrote a small bool Polygon::sphereIntersects(pos, radius) function, so I can cull lights that are too far away to make a difference. Saves loads of fillrate :)

Ahh! I really need to get working on my BSP+Portal code... :)
Looks good

Looks good

First up, the pics look real good Humus. Next, a question about what u said about HierarchialZ and drawing front to back. Do you know the resolution of HierarchialZ? If I'm remembering correctly HierarchalZ does a partial Z test further up in the pipeline, right? If so, do u know what range/resolution the early test provides?
If memory serves me right I think the original Radeon could cull one 8x8 block each cycle, the Radeon 8500 I think as finer grained block, 4x4 I think, and I think it can cull more blocks each cycle too. I've measured about a 2.5x speed improvement on the original Radeon when going from back-to-front to front-to-back with a simple scene and overdraw factor of 8, with Radeon 8500 I got about 3.7, tested with the GL_EXT_reme benchmark on my homepage.
You commented on Beyond3D that you'd packed the attenuation (which I understand) and the light vectors? (which I don't) into the same 3D texture. Care to elaborate?
Basically I don't use vectors of length 1 in the vector field, but rather shortening them according to the distance to the middle of the textures down to length 0 beyond a certain radius. This way I get attenuation at the same time when I do dot3.
downloaded it yesterday....nice screenshots, nice demo, i have to say !!!!

One point, however:

If you switch to fullscreen using alt-enter it (obviously) is way faster/smoother. The point is just that it's not obvious after starting the demo it's running windowed...and prolly people will run it and think it runs in full screen (because it looks like it) and may think it's slower than it actually could be in fullscreen mode :)

(dont get the fps in fullscreen mode, tho)
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Uhm, it starts up in fullscreen mode, but you can toggle it with Alt-Enter.
Oh, the difference between fullscreen mode and windowed mode is that in fullscreen mode the window covers the whole screen instead of just a part of it, nothing more. The performance difference shouldn't be too large, say 10% maybe. When the window covers the whole screen the driver may use page flipping instead of buffer copying, that's the only difference.
Humus said:
Uhm, it starts up in fullscreen mode, but you can toggle it with Alt-Enter.
Oh, the difference between fullscreen mode and windowed mode is that in fullscreen mode the window covers the whole screen instead of just a part of it, nothing more. The performance difference shouldn't be too large, say 10% maybe. When the window covers the whole screen the driver may use page flipping instead of buffer copying, that's the only difference.

that's weird ! so the "full screen" option only like "enlarges" the window ?

I didnt see any (visible) difference between the size of the display..except that maybe a very small border went away after i switched to "full screen" using alt-enter.

However, it was kinda stuttering (not much) in default mode (when you start the engine)...but alt-enter gave me a boost...i'd say definetly more than 10% since it run MUCH smoother with no stutters at all !

Btw. i am running at 800x600 'til i get my 19"er..ccould be that it's differnt running in higher resos ?

AMD1800@2000, win98/SE, 8500 retail w/9017 drivers
flexy said:
that's weird ! so the "full screen" option only like "enlarges" the window ?

Yes, OpenGL doesn't even recognice the concept of "fullscreen", but the driver should detect that the window cover exactly the screen area and use page flipping for best performance in those cases.
Why you aren't getting it fullscreen when you start it I don't know though, perhaps you've entered not 800x600 in the .ini file but something close to it, say 801x600 ... it'll still select the closest mode 800x600, but the window would then be 801x600, which would cause windowed mode ... could be that, otherwise I don't know.
I am using 23.11 drivers on my GF3 in W2K, demo (new upcoming game engine) plays but is virtually totally corrupted. Without wasting to much of your time do you know of a work around or driver set that will work with the GF3 series of cards? Thanks.
Thanks Humus, that was it. Ahmmmm, I am very impressed with your demo and it works great on a GF3 (that is without anisotropic filtering). Please keep up your work and research :D. We are utterly enjoying it :).
I will. I've started to implement networking and multiplayer code into it. In it's current state it sux badly though, but I'll improve it :). I've also put some volumetric fogging in there too, it's not too solid either, I'm considering alternative approaches that will work better. I'm also working on shadow volumes in a side project, and when it's more solid I'll try to put that into the demo too.
Volumetric fogging and shadows would even make your demo more relistic in which presently is one of the finest looking texture and lighting demos I've ever seen. Networking ehhh? Maybe you and NitroGL will network up on this very aspiring project, it would seem to be a very productive team, maybe both of you would be eriched by the other. Excellent work Humus and a very positive influence you give to Rage3d. Thanks for your time and work you do for all of us :).