It's an observation. And frankly, it's been tiresome to see this trend.
You are right. It is tiresome. Saying someone has "some serious perception flaws" clouding their judgement is, unfortunately, about what I expected.
Again, that's your perception. You've ignoring the other actions I've also done to mediate and only focusing on what you *think* to be biased actions. I really don't know what else to say about this, maybe after some time you'll see we're actually on different sides of the same page.
It's not perception issues. It is your actions that got us to where we are today. You came into the P&R forum as a 'conservative moderator' and then closed down posts and threads that were critical of right wing media. Those are facts. There isn't some filter that I am looking through that is clouding my judgement on the situation. Your actions. Your words.
Like I said, I don't need time to see that trend. It already happened.
For your post, you deviated the discussion from the thread topic into your personal arguments. If it wasn't deleted or edited, and I asked you to stick to the topic, would your response have been different? Give a truthful response to yourself (not to me) and you have your answer.
A) I wasn't the one that brought up media bias. You did. As was pointed out in that thread.
B) What topic was that? You posted a youtube video of some guy with nothing else. The very next thing you posted was "There is no gotcha. Just one of many headlines that lay buried because it doesn't fit certain media's narratives."... To me that discussion went from the rando guy complaining about some conspiracy theories to media narratives...
C) If you would have said something to me in the tread I would have told you the exact same that I am telling you now.
D) This has already been explained to you with numerous walls of text in your 'welcome' thread.
You do know Cyko stated elsewhere his ignore list was on 10 and growing, and that was my source?
Funny, I knew that after ASKING YOU.
This is one of many examples where you chose to make assumptions and from there set your tone for your response.
I asked a question. As stated by the question mark. Not an assumption. Assumptions are statements. They usually end in periods or in some cases exclamation points. Do you need examples?
Also, serious question, how do you know my tone? It's the internet. What 'tone' does anyone have?
You know what, I think it is you that made the assumptions....
I hate these "quote wars" but included this one because it's clear the perception and tone is there from you.
I did find it ironic that you perceived that you were gaining peoples trust and building civil relationships by deleting and changing peoples posts. Your posts here are somewhat duplicitous to your actions in P&R and I find that laughable.
Your post needed action, if I were to do it over I'd just have asked you to remain on topic rather than delete it, if that means anything.
No, that post didn't need action. The tread you closed didn't need action either. If you thought that it was going to derail then you SHOULD HAVE waited for it to derail and THEN close it. No, you closed it because of political reasons just like you deleted my post for political reasons. That is my problem. And trust me, if those actions would have come out of any other poster here they'd get the exact same treatment from me. Even if it was a right leaning news post that was deleted. And if you don't know that about me then you do now.
Well that's nice of you, too bad you didn't do any of that with me. All I got was a measly rolly eyes icon! It's still not too late if you want to talk further about it, whether on Discord or PM.
Please understand this. I do not have a problem with you. I have a problem with your actions. I do not agree with them and I do not think that you should have the ability to shut down political speech as you see fit. Your actions so far have shown me that you do not use good judgment. That's not a right or a left thing to me. That is a censorship thing to me. And in my opinion, your actions have essentially censored people because you didn't politically agree with them. That is my issue. And I don't have to participate in that.
Umm... I was referring to your other chastising posts, not some corny joke-a-thon. You do know that what most people use discord for don't you, a getaway while at work to discuss nonsense? Are you taking discord too seriously now? Do you have a sense of humor? Are you going to chastise me for my (joking) request for a NSFW channel in discord as well? Or my half dozen or so raunchy posts as well? It's DISCORD!
Who brought discord up again? Oh yeah.....
Your snideness even stalks me in the discord chat! Which is fine, I'm used to it now.
Snideness. What a nice descriptive term by the way. Very mod like.
Are you taking discord too seriously now?
I'm not looking for your sympathy. And you're right, I am a mod in a political forum. That means I'll have views that disagrees with your own. That means I might have actions that appear biased to you, but isn't, because you only see it from your perspective.
I see your actions. You used me as an example. "This place needed some moderation and this is an example why.". Sound familiar? Look, I don't give a rats patoot about who agrees or disagrees with me. I do care when people in power abuse that power and trust. In my eyes and many others you deleted my post because you didn't agree with it. Then you locked a perfectly good thread because you didn't agree with it. Is it a coincidence that both dealt with right wing media bias? You see, I don't think that it is. I think that you set out to go into the P&R forum and set things 'right' politically. I think you intentionally singled me out as an example. And I think that you closed down Jay's post because it was critical of a fox news host. There isn't a 'your prospective' - 'my prospective' issue here. Your actions are your own. I'm just the unlucky sod that had to witness them and then felt morally obligated to point them out.
I can get along with people from all extremes of the political spectrum. You yourself stated you can't get along with anyone who supports Trump or Republicans. By de facto standard, I am going to be on your bad side pretty much all the time regardless of what I do. I, unfortunately, can't do anything about that.
Look, I understand what you are trying to do here. This is an attempt to turn this argument against me and label me as the one that is the bad guy.
'I can get along with people from all extremes---You yourself stated you can't get along with anyone who supports Trump---By de facto standard, I am going to be on your bad side...'
Whatever man. I'm not the one in power. I'm not the one that labeled themselves and the conservative mod. I'm not the one that deleted posts and shut down thread critical to right wing media.
That was you.
Like I said, I'm the guy pointing out your mistakes. Rest assured that I'm the kind of person that would point them out to whoever. I don't really care.
The 6+ page thread actually gives a good idea why I was made mod. It didn't just happen overnight, it took discussions over the current state of P&R before the role was offered to me and we knew it wasn't going to be smooth from the getgo.
It also lists quite a few reasons why you shouldn't be a mod as well.
As for bad judgment, we all make bad judgements. Like I said, looking back I should have guided you on topic instead of outright deleting your post.
If it were just one thing then I'm sure most of us would have been fine with it. I was at the time. Most of the rest were too. But it wasn't just one thing, was it? It was a pattern of bad judgement. And what an odd coincidence that both the actions in question were associated with criticisms about right wing media.
So is that it? You have a problem with my political leanings and being mod at the same time? What if my political leanings were the same as Shrike? What if Shrike was on the polar opposite of the political spectrum yet still made the same amount of threads praising, rather than criticizing, Trump? Would that have affected your posting presence in P&R?
I think that you are missing the point. I believe that your political leanings are affecting your 'judgement calls'. I've been saying that all along. You are deleting posts and threads that are critical to your politics and your 'reasons' do not make logical sense. You deleted my post because it was a red herring that only you could see. You closed a thread because you could see it wasn't 'going to go very well' from 2 posts. Both were critical of right wing news. It is a pattern.
And trust me, had shrike deleted a thread critical of left leaning news without merit and then deleted a post about the same I'd have called him out too. If it was a pattern of abuse like I see with your actions I'd have left as well.
You see, you seem to be missing the point here. Your actions have dictated my actions and other posters actions. You deleting posts and closing threads is causing people to leave. I don't blame them.
It's all about judgement. Just look at your interaction with me. In one single post you said I had 'serious perception flaws clouding your judgement', you then accused me of making assumptions about you when I was asking questions of you, and then called me snide... How on God's green earth is that showing any good judgement as a mod? I believe that you absolutely should not be a moderator on this or any other forum. And I believe that your actions and patterns in the P&R forum, here, and in other areas of this board are perfect examples of why you should not be a mod.
Like I said, I'd love to come back to P&R but I will not be there if you are still a mod there.