

Well-known member
I've got a complaint. Now I fully expect no one to really give a crap about it but here goes. P&R is cesspool everyone knows it. Probably no one wants to be a mod there I mean why the hell would they. Unless they like to throw their authority around like a child. And I'm not saying anyone is.
Here's my problem. You've had mods who were hard core left and hard core right. It'll never work. Take a judge for example they HAVE to be unbiased or the system fails miserably. So how can a mod do their job when they are to biased one way or the other? It shows trust me I've seen it for over twenty years.
My suggestion as far as P&R is concerned is to somehow find mods who ate not so personally invested. Will be fair to everyone because they don't have any skin in the game. Because right now it's a damn mess. The numbers here fall each and every year. Keep this up you may drive a unrepairable nail in the coffin.
This was concerning P&R. Asking for opinions from P&R members. Thanks so very for moving it to the least traveled area in the entire forum. May as well as edited it to better suit your narrative or simply deleted since that appears to be the new norm.
As an ideological outlier, I never had much problems with any of the mods there.

Looking back, I gave curio and Shrike unreasonable amount of ****, which didn't lead to anything.
This was concerning P&R. Asking for opinions from P&R members. Thanks so very for moving it to the least traveled area in the entire forum. May as well as edited it to better suit your narrative or simply deleted since that appears to be the new norm.

:bleh: I moved it and I left a redirect. So everyone in P&R can see it and will be directed here.
In theory, mods can separate their modding duties from their political beliefs, even if they are on the far right or left. As a mod, your #1 job is to enforce the forum rules. Your job is not to edit other people's posts to "correct" them, delete posts that you think are factually incorrect, berate people, etc. It really doesn't seem that difficult of a concept, yet for many people it's hard to execute properly because politics and religion are highly emotional subjects and people get heated over the slightest things. Knowing when people cross the line and correcting them commensurate with the infraction can be a bit of an art. It can also be exhausting, especially when adults are acting like children. Not saying P&R is like that, of course. :bleh: :p
In theory, mods can separate their modding duties from their political beliefs, even if they are on the far right or left. As a mod, your #1 job is to enforce the forum rules. Your job is not to edit other people's posts to "correct" them, delete posts that you think are factually incorrect, berate people, etc. It really doesn't seem that difficult of a concept, yet for many people it's hard to execute properly because politics and religion are highly emotional subjects and people get heated over the slightest things. Knowing when people cross the line and correcting them commensurate with the infraction can be a bit of an art. It can also be exhausting, especially when adults are acting like children. Not saying P&R is like that, of course. :bleh: :p

btw this has been addressed recently and hopefully that won't happen anymore :)

It was a misunderstanding of wrongful enforcement of my PR 'guidelines' vs proper enforcement of forum-wide rules that require deletion/editing by a mod - racist posts for example...

When it comes down to it, the P&R guidelines are merely that - just guidelines. And the mod's job is to try and steer the debating towards positive productive debate by using those guidelines, and the user's job is to try and stay within the guidelines. None of which requires any actual editing or deletion of posts, but instead just verbal public intervention or even send a PM if needed.

Keep in mind though that multiple infractions of the 'guidelines' can get one kicked out of the P&R still - but that decision comes as a staff group decision - no mod unilaterally makes that choice.

Either way though, mistakes were made - and that wasn't necessarily his fault but more like just a miscommunication on my part. We're all human after all; even the mods are, contrary to belief that we're just pond scum :D
Either way though, mistakes were made - and that wasn't necessarily his fault but more like just a miscommunication on my part. We're all human after all; even the mods are, contrary to belief that we're just pond scum :D
