I would look for a used 7870 which can easily OC to 1200 GPU, 1300 Memory.
If you want something new, the 470 will do the trick...
Haven't been watching the graphic card race lately...I need something to replace my aging 6970. Is there anything in the 100-150 dollar range?? Thanks.
I just realized that my FX8370 will bottleneck cards like 970 and 290x, 390 ...
Rx480 or rx 470 is the way to go ...
I have an 6950 so in some way i may be in the same position as you but please write your system spec too..
And what about the 460? Money is tight, and I'm looking for at least a minimal performance upgrade from the 6970.
And what about the 460? Money is tight, and I'm looking for at least a minimal performance upgrade from the 6970.
Pretty sure that issue of old cpus is in old games as well. But pretty much any old game will play fine at 60 fps on 1080p. Just consider new or upcoming games and the RX 470-480 will be fine.
Honestly the 470 pretty much overlaps the 480. Yet may save you a good 50$ once MSRP kicks in with good supply. AIB version put the 470 faster than the 480 4 gb. Id grab an 8gb ver of the 470 just for future proofing.