Aaaaaaand we passed them!
Yes!!! Man this has been like a 16 year rivalry lol
Long time, and damned if I don't have 16 years worth of parts laying around
Aaaaaaand we passed them!
Yes!!! Man this has been like a 16 year rivalry lol
Long time, and damned if I don't have 16 years worth of parts laying around
Instead of purposing the water-cooler on the 8300 I ordered a Noctua cooler...project delayed till end of week
Instead of purposing the water-cooler on the 8300 I ordered a Noctua cooler...project delayed till end of week
Gonna bring my rig back online for a few days maybe.. Its running now at as low power as I can get it at the highest frequency stable. (4.0Ghz on all 8 cores, pulling about 78W at load. (58-61A @ 1.31V= 78ish watts) and the 780Ti is running 1.1Ghz @ 1.154V with the VRAM underclocked 500Mhz from stock. lol.
Web control just keeps refreshing the page is there a way to stop that?
Not sure why but since I used advanced control the cpu doesnt fold only the gpu.
Log says :
03:18:37:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
03:18:38:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from '': Empty work server assignment
03:18:38:WU00:FS00:Connecting to
03:18:39:WARNING:WU00:FS00:Failed to get assignment from '': Empty work server assignment
03:18:39:ERROR:WU00:FS00:Exception: Could not get an assignment
gpu is able to dl and get new folding tho... odd
I had it set to 14 to see if it could boost more cores to 3.9ghz... so I just put it back to -1 to let FAH choose...
Set it to 13. Do not do even numbers. Use odd numbers.
Finished my little project over the weekend. Sent one 1070ftw to a friend who was trying to stream on twitch at 15fps...was brutal to watch. Then her psu didn't have the connectors so I packed up an AX760 which she should get tomorrow.
I replaced that 1070 with 2 1070 SC's that came from the 2 systems that failed. Then I replaced my 2 980ti's with a 1080ti and moved the 980's to one of the failed systems. I thought replacing an intel mobo/cpu with the AMD mobo/cpu would cause problems, but the win 8.1 did some maintenance and loaded.
I still have the 2 gtx780's and an i5 4690k that needs a contemplating getting another z97 mobo and stick it in the garage...
That's it, that's the update...