Is this a good Sblive! a good one?


New member
the model is ct4620, i think is was made for music apps or something, comes with another card that links to it that has midi ports and stuff, anyone know about how much this thing is worth, a guy is wanting to trade me a voodoo 2 for it is it worth more or less then that? and im going to get a game theater or santa cruz so i dont need it:cool:
A Good SB? WaHahahahahahahahahaha

A Good SB? WaHahahahahahahahahaha

A good SB, you're kidding, right? SB used to be good, now they are garbage unless they can offer better quality sound, more options, and have a new product that will beat the competition and at a low price. But right now, the SB isn't your best choice. Don't know what it's worth, but I don't recommend trading anything unless you know exactly what it is. The Game Theater and the Santa Cruz are good choices, but also take a look at Philip's Acoustic Edge 5.1.
If you have a VIA chipset, I'd recommend staying as far away as possible from the Lives!

I replaced mine with an Acoustic Edge. I am very happy with it.

i have the via chipset, this damn thind caused me nothing but stuttering in my games, but the is great, actualy i have decidied to go with my onboard via sound until i can get a santa cruz or something lol, at least my games are smooth with the onboard sound, i just wanted to know if any of you guys knew about how much this thing is worth, i couldnt find this model on ebay or anywhere else, probably isnt worth anything:rolleyes:
The AE is a joke? Can you back this up?

Then explain to me why my frame rates have *improved* since installing it. It takes no more cpu on my machine than the Live!

I would hardly call one of the best reviewed cards on the market a joke. I guess you have never owned one.

Percuvius, you do know you lack what we like to call credibility, don't you? You post nothing but garbage and insults as you fail to contribute anything worth-while to this board. Your ignorance is a glaring beacon on these forums, and one I'd like to see removed. You must've been beaten and molested as a child to see such a stunted mental maturation. You post not a single piece of evidence, nor even mature debate for that matter, to back up your statements. You think everything is right because you said so, and that we should all beleive you because 'what you say can never be wrong'. I wanna see your reply to this as idiots never cease to entertain me. "Flame, flame, flame all day long! Flame, flame, flame while I sing this song..." Shape up or ship out bud...
Shut your hole Snuff and go read the benchmarks if you want I already have so screw you. Your nothing but a fvcking ankle biter anyways. Go watch some more sesame street.

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I am going to see that you get banned from these boards there Percuvius pal. Sorry but you really don't have anything to contribute here.

Percuvius said:
Phillips edge is a joke, it takes a way bigger FPS hit than a SB Live!


Looking at your system specs, a Radeon 32DDR and a P3 733EB, Will you actually notice the fps drop? A few fps drop is not very noticeable. And as long as its above 40fps its good. The human eye can't really detect anything more then that and tell a difference.

FPS is only for bragging rights like synthetic benchmarks.
Philips AE A JOKE?

Philips AE A JOKE?

Well Philips AE is NOT A JOKE!!

It's a very good card one of the best.But to the expense of cpu u power.

Philips is a very good choice for those who likes 5.1 and have a small budget however it does drain the power of u'r cpu. Not more then the sblive 5.1 but it does

these benchmark is not with the final driver release. so i think the philip ae does have better performance then sblive 5.1 with current driver. My brother has one so don't tell my i haven't tried one out.

But it not as good as the Hercules GT XP.(when it comes to performance in games)

But it has many other side's that weight up the lack of performance in games. Such as true 6 analog output.

And for those who say's only benchmarks-gay's care about that. Well try to play tribes 2 full settings and with, mp3 music.

Well not every 3d game demand a fast soundcard. (very few actually) But for those who want to play those few game's as fast as it gets. they sure can get a fps increase by chosing the fastest soundcard.

I am not noticing any loss in speed in games with my AE. I noticed a huge GAIN when i replaced the SBlive.

Any game with sound is going to tax the processor a bit. The benchmarks I have seen are all so close, and take so little of the processor, it does not really matter. Maybe if you have an older machine, but not on mine.

infoghost said:
I am not noticing any loss in speed in games with my AE. I noticed a huge GAIN when i replaced the SBlive.

Any game with sound is going to tax the processor a bit. The benchmarks I have seen are all so close, and take so little of the processor, it does not really matter. Maybe if you have an older machine, but not on mine.


Well sorry man but i have to disaggree with you on that, as i claimed in previous post only a few games is affected. And if u go to forums for the AE you notice that many people does mention that the ae eat's resources, even when playing mp3, and have many applications open.

But still it is a very good card. But it's in the top when it come's to Utilization of your CPU.

Disagreeing is cool.. :)

I also went from the VIA Sblive! problem to my AE, so that was an improvement for me.

I don't notice any over cpu usage when I play mp3's. Maybe on a slower processor, but my 1 gig athlon seems to do ok. Also, if you follow those forums, not everyone is having that issue. And the margin between proc usage on those benchmarks is so close, it's not going to matter much.

Anyway, put a soundcard in, you are going to lose some cpu cycles, no matter what the card.



Okay we will end the discussion here. with the conclusion that whe have both think that AE is a great, and that we have a slighltly diffrent opinions about the cpu Utilization.

Cheers mate

Snuff, and SirX, chill please... trolls may be annoying (i've had my run with enough of 'em during my moderating time here), but don't threaten please. If Percuvius has some input, don't go off and try to ban him please... i doubt MrB would approve of that much more than i. Anyway, everyone, chill the.... out. have a good one people.