Installing Win11 now...

Did MS remove or do something about some of the requirements for Windows 11? Namely the TPM? I never had it enabled (or heck i dont even know if i have hardware support for it) which prevented me from qualifying for a windows 11 upgrade...but today after i boot up my PC now it says i meet all the requirements to upgrade and i can download 11 whenever im ready to....
And is 11 worth upgrading to over 10?
Did MS remove or do something about some of the requirements for Windows 11? Namely the TPM? I never had it enabled (or heck i dont even know if i have hardware support for it) which prevented me from qualifying for a windows 11 upgrade...but today after i boot up my PC now it says i meet all the requirements to upgrade and i can download 11 whenever im ready to....
And is 11 worth upgrading to over 10?

it's not real, if you try to upgrade you'll run into the typical error messages. See here for example.

As for worth see my above post.....​