Just another Troll
Yes, I just tried it now. It works if you set the config file for 3840x2160 as well.
However, now I'm trying to solve why FPS is maxing out in the 90s with the refresh at 144.
Q3 engine has a 90FPS limit, IIRC.
Yes, I just tried it now. It works if you set the config file for 3840x2160 as well.
However, now I'm trying to solve why FPS is maxing out in the 90s with the refresh at 144.
Which you can probably get around here using the console command /com_maxfps
However, you probably don't want to. IDTech3 engine's have their physic's tied to the frame rate. So unless the game has replaced the physics engine it can lead to oddities if the frame rate is to high.
I love how at r3d you can get more tech support for a game from 2003 than a game from 2022
btw how does this game hold up? I played, and LOVED, voyager elite force 1, but never got to the sequel.
Which you can probably get around it using the console command /com_maxfps
However, you probably don't want to. IDTech3 engine's have their physic's tied to the frame rate. So unless the game has replaced the physics engine it can lead to oddities if the frame rate is to high.
I love how at r3d you can get more tech support for a game from 2003 than a game from 2022
btw how does this game hold up? I played, and LOVED, voyager elite force 1, but never got to the sequel.
I love how at r3d you can get more tech support for a game from 2003 than a game from 2022
btw how does this game hold up? I played, and LOVED, voyager elite force 1, but never got to the sequel.