"Free" Remote Wonder II upgrade, anyone got it from ATI?


New member

I was wondering if anyone in here used their voucher and actually received their free Remote Wonder II that was offered with the new AIW 9600?

I sent mine around mid-October and I never heard anything from ATI, no charge on my credit card either. I'm now wondering if it got lost in the mail or something.

Sorry if this was discussed before, I did some searches and couldn't find anything specific.

ATI said it will take up to 8 weeks to process the certificates once the remote is ready. X10 who manfactures the remotes has filed for Chapter 11 I believe, so do not hold your breath. tihs may be a good question to ask in the Multimedia Chat coming up.
Yep, the maker of the remotes went bankrupt. If they owned the design of the remote wonder II we may never see it. (I have a coupon too) They did own the rights of the classic remote wonder since it was also used in Nvidia's newer personal cinema line.
Sizzle said:
ATI said it will take up to 8 weeks to process the certificates once the remote is ready. X10 who manfactures the remotes has filed for Chapter 11 I believe, so do not hold your breath. tihs may be a good question to ask in the Multimedia Chat coming up.

Well that sucks. :( I am also waiting on my remote.


Is this the same X10 that runs x10.com? I still get email from them everyday advertising their specials. So at least they are still operating.


Is this the same X10 that runs x10.com? I still get email from them everyday advertising their specials. So at least they are still operating.
Hopefuly the 'Receivers' have taken over the running of the company if there are financial problems and the management have filed for bankrupcy.

They may still be able to have a viable business structure if they find backing or further support from an investor.
Yeah, X10 - the same X10 we're all talking about - has filed for bankruptcy. Apparently, they were hit with a massive penalty resulting from a lawsuit. And would you believe, the lawsuit had NOTHING to do with any of their remote/electronic products. The technology that resulted in the lawsuit had to do with with annoying advertising pop-ups they'd been splashing on our screens. Apparently, something in the code behind the pop-ups was being used without the author's permission, and X10 got nailed as a result.

Can't say I'm sympathetic; I hate pop-up ads.
From the recent Multimedia chat:
<ben6> welcome to our chat. My first question is, what's the status of Remote Wonder II and how does X10's bankruptcy affect the remotes?
<MMC> Please check the X10 info; the X10 in receivership is not the company that makes REMOTE WONDER I
<MMC> REMOTE WONDER II back orders are being processed and should ship for those AIW 9600 PRO users that requested the freebie.
I just got mine yesterday, it rocks.

It's longer than the original, but a little thinner. The silver finish is better too. It's got less of a cheap plastic look. Somewhere between the original RW and a silver GBA SP. It feels better in the hand too.

The mouse pad is different, better. You don't have to jam on it to move the mouse around. You just apply a little pressure and the pointer keeps moving in that direction until you release. It took a little getting used to but it's nice.

The buttons are smaller on average, and I think the placement is better. With the original I found myself moving from one end of the remote to another. It still feels that way, but it's not as bad. Oh yeah, some of the buttons (AUX, PC) have a red back light.

I guess the big new feature, aside from the mouse and the added range is the AUX and PC buttons. There are four of them (AUX1, AUX2, etc), and you can assign an application to each one. So say you assign AUX1 to Winamp. Now, if you press AUX1, the RWII sends commands directly to Winamp, regardless of whether or not it's in focus. You can have another application in focus, and you can still send commands to Winamp, even if it's in the background or the system tray, and then return to normal with the PC button.

The new receiver is a lot bigger. It's kinda this black and silver blob. It reminds me of the MX700 cradle. It looks ok I guess, but it didn't mater what the old one looked like because it was hidden behind your PC.

Finally, driver installation was a pain, but only because I didn't follow the instructions. Duh. I tried to use the latest RW driver from ATI's site, but they wouldn't work. Why? Because the instructions clearly state that you have to use the ones that came with your AIW 9600 install CD. After I did that it worked great.

All in all I'd have to say that I'm impressed. I haven't had much time with it, so can't really talk about stuff like the FM Tuner support. I'll try to get to that tonight if I have time. Maybe I'll post pictures of the base. I guess if you sent in your coupon, you should probably be getting your's soon. Enjoy.
Hey, how is the range on that? Try and measure how far you can go with that thing!

Post pictures please too! Looks like you're the first with the latest toy!

Here is a pic. A friend of mine received it yesterday. I'm still waiting for mine.

It's not too bad. You have to slide down to reach the bottom set of buttons, but you had to do that with the original, and it feels better with the RWII.
i've recived mine, but for some reason it won't detect and install properly. i'll be posting about it though in another thread :)