Diablo 3 - Official Discussion Thread

damn invitational started early, oh well i started the stream just as some french dude was saying "so there we go diablo 3" im like wtf arg
It's like a dream come true for me. Both Starcraft2 and Diablo3 coming. My top 2 favorite games of all time. How am I gonna play both of them...
Time to get out our hammerdins and poisonmancers. :evil:

I heard some rumors going around that it may be released this time next year? Going on what I've seen so far, it looks pretty developed. I am surprised they held back this much secret for so long.
wouldnt it be cool if they used some streaming system (aka wow) in D3 so there are no loading screens (just get deeper and deeper into dungeons with no breakup)
I hope everyone gets it on teh same day, that way we can level together. This is GREAT news, cant wait to be put in that world again.

edit: nm http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/index.xml is working for me now,better quality vid.


boss fight
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Wow, that's excellent news. Blizz is on a major winning streak here.

Any news on this 3 game subscription system that ties in with WoW, SC2 and D3?

edit: also, how did the ice picture evolve in to the final mini intro?
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Diablo was one of my favorite games when growing up, for some reason I never got into Diablo2 though.
Links are getting hammered right now, can't view alot.

So what is this? MMORPG? single player campaign. If it's a silly MMORPG you can instantly count me out.