How cheap is dirt cheap? I have a PS3 fat model (non-PS2 backwards compatible) that I would pretty much just give you (or trade for retro games) if you could meet me in Waltham sometime. I just don't have any controllers for it and I still need to test it to make sure its working and to reset it to factory default.
No reason to think it wouldn't be working BTW, someone I know gave it to me since they never use it and they didn't report any issues.
I'd gift you almost any game you wanted on steam for a deal like that lol, or just give you cash! This guy was talking $50 for a slim, but the model really doesn't matter much to me as long as it has working hdmi port and isn't, you know, dead

I'll be in and out of Wellesley/Natick/Needham for a couple of days, so Waltham would be an easy trip.