Catalyst = SUCK!

Re: dissapointed

Re: dissapointed

friskyolive said:
Games look good, though, it seems that these drivers disable anti-aliasing somewhat within game code making the textures far more jagged, forcing you to use AA, I find this very annoying. There are also anamolies which had never appeared before, flashing textures, and choppy motion, even though I had vsync enabled.

The end result is ATI had failed again. Features\options and time was simply wasted with this new driver set. Back to 9031's.

hmm what 'in-built AA would that be? Have you tried using the mip-map sliders and texture quality sliders to compare?
Re: Re: dissapointed

Re: Re: dissapointed

Randell said:

hmm what 'in-built AA would that be? Have you tried using the mip-map sliders and texture quality sliders to compare?

to obtain the same LOD and compressed textures on games I had to enable 2x AA with these drivers and yet LOD is still shite until using 4x quality aa. Ive tried highest quality settings for the LOD to become worse, and had tried lowest quality for performance only to acheive washed out textures than the 9031 drivers as obviously the more you compress textures the more apparent the blockiness is, its funny how mohaa had worked the exact opposite of what compressing textures do, that is strange.

Its funny, ati decided to increase texture compression making quality into an AA necessity.. I'd like for Sharkfood to elaborate on this subject as I can only describe what I see.
simple answer to the Morrowind problem - Windows 98se

it will ALWAYS crash every few mins on this excuse for an OS unless you turn your 3d sound settings down to emulation mode (lowest setting on the drag bar in control panel/multimedia)

Advice - backup, wipe the drive and do a fresh install of XPpro and the offical drivers released just before catalyst (I forget the number)

After that everything 'should' be peachy (although i have had 1 crash when i was running kazaa, Nero, an msn convo and winamp at the same time :P)

Be warned of the refresh limit on XP though. Its limited to 60hz in OpenGL (not sure about D3D) nomatter what your monitors capable of, so think before u wipe ;)

(NOTE: refresh rate issue is 'supposedly' going to be fixed in the next service pack... hohum >:| )

Advice - backup, wipe the drive and do a fresh install of XPpro and the offical drivers released just before catalyst (I forget the number)

After that everything 'should' be peachy (although i have had 1 crash when i was running kazaa, Nero, an msn convo and winamp at the same time :P)

Be warned of the refresh limit on XP though. Its limited to 60hz in OpenGL (not sure about D3D) nomatter what your monitors capable of, so think before u wipe

This is foolish advice. Just be patient and wait for the patch, unless you already have plans on moving to XP. Upgrading to XP just because someone says this will fix your problem is silly, and even sillier when that problem only involves a buggy game.

In fact, if games are of major importance, then moving to XP will only complicate the situation more in the long run, as it's not as compatible with older games as 98se is.