its niche. as is flagship/Halo
mid-range is their bread and butter.
There is obviously a large majority here, and other sites like this, as we are enthusiasts.
they do launch single multigpu cards though too and like two cards they also require crossfire profiles to work properly.
Those are "Halo" products.
Flagship=Fastest single cards (980/290x)
Halo=Fastest no limitation, money is no object cards. (titanz/295x)
i dont know what you are on about.
OP what the relvetive percentage of Xfire user is.
My answer stands.
Its Niche, just like Flagship and Halo products.
again, OP did not ask for your opinion on the current state of driver development.
He asked what is the percentage of xfire users compared to single gpu users.
Direct your rage elsewhere.
What percentage of users are actually using multiple GPUS? I know that does not excuse poor support, but low usage would certainly indicate priority.
OP = Original Post/Poster. Referers to either the 1st post in a thread, or the poster of question currently being discussed.
I was answering a question of the poster above me.
Perhaps YOU should refresh your understanding of what OP means.
Either way your nerd rage is misdirected.