AMD vs. Nvidia new gen sales - one German reseller

980 980Ti 18.1%
970 46.8%
950 960 34.9%

Question .... how you embark the others 950 960 34.9 % on 970 bandwagon ?


RX480 and RX470 and Gtx 1060 3gb and 6gb
Those two figures could also tell you the following;
1. Nvidia aren't selling a shed load of 1070/1080 cards which means a lot of people with a 980ti aren't upgrading.

Of course those people are in the majority not upgrading. Nvidia isn't even expecting that if you listen carefully to them. 980Ti customers will wait for a Ti version or get a TitanX but definately not a GTX1080.

2. There is definitely a time lag in the launches and this will take some time for AMD 480 to catch up. Considering it has sold so many in a smaller time frame is actually very positive.

There is also a time lag between the GTX 1060 and RX480 but the GTX 1060 is already selling in higher numbers which makes AMDs situation worse as they are not alone in that segment. So there is no breathing room to cash in.

3. The RX 480 and 1070/1080 are aimed at different segments so you're not comparing apples with apples.

Of course they are. But if they way higher priced product is selling at the same rate or even better than there is a problem.

4 As an enthusiast card the 1080 has already been replaced by the Pascal Titan X which could hurt sales.
I doubt that. 1080 is high end and TitanX is enthusiast. The price range is very different.

5 The 1080 and more so the 1070 have been pushed down the performance stack and unless Nvidia start to reduce prices sales will start to stall.

Prices are not going down any time soon. If they are AMDs problems are increasing because than the mentioned cards will sell even more.

6 Why upgrade now when Vega and Volta are just around the corner.

As always there are lies, damned lies and statistics. Believe what you want.

Neither Volta nor Vega is around the corner. Nvidia very likely has a very calm 6 months period in the performance, high end and enthusiast segment with the competition beeing completely absent. That is very comfortable. On the other hand AMD won't have this kind of luxury once they start to sell Vega. It is never a good situation when you are basically very late to the party. 2 months is ok, maybe also 3 but not half a year.
Of course those people are in the majority not upgrading. Nvidia isn't even expecting that if you listen carefully to them. 980Ti customers will wait for a Ti version or get a TitanX but definately not a GTX1080.

There is also a time lag between the GTX 1060 and RX480 but the GTX 1060 is already selling in higher numbers which makes AMDs situation worse as they are not alone in that segment. So there is no breathing room to cash in.

Of course they are. But if they way higher priced product is selling at the same rate or even better than there is a problem.

I doubt that. 1080 is high end and TitanX is enthusiast. The price range is very different.

Prices are not going down any time soon. If they are AMDs problems are increasing because than the mentioned cards will sell even more.

Neither Volta nor Vega is around the corner. Nvidia very likely has a very calm 6 months period in the performance, high end and enthusiast segment with the competition beeing completely absent. That is very comfortable. On the other hand AMD won't have this kind of luxury once they start to sell Vega. It is never a good situation when you are basically very late to the party. 2 months is ok, maybe also 3 but not half a year.

I think you just proved my point no? Those figures are just raw data with no reference point so are utterly meaningless and just about any scenario can be drawn from them, simples.
Titan X is not enthusiast, its Halo.

1080ti will be enthusiast, until then the 1080 is enthusiast, and the 1070/fiji is performance class..
Titan X is not enthusiast, its Halo.

1080ti will be enthusiast, until then the 1080 is enthusiast, and the 1070/fiji is performance class..

Isn't the Titan X a cut chip? As in, it SHOULD have been the Ti, but Nvidia has no competition at the top so they slapped "Titan" on it and charged $1200?

I'm actually genuinely curious how/where a 1080ti would fit in at this point. I;m thinking Nvidia has zero intention of releasing a Ti this year, if at all on Pascal.

In regards to this topic... I'd bet my right hand that AMD has overall has sold MANY more 480s than Nvidia has sold 1060s.
Because the TITAN XP is so much faster than the 1080, it's basically guaranteed there will be a 1080TI. In all honesty the TITAN XP is the most value it has ever been.. It's so much faster than the 1080 that it leaves a decent gap for the TI to fit in.

Also, videocardz :( I've started to refuse clicking that and wccftech links because all they do is clickbait garbage with no basis behind their fud.
Been wondering whats going on with their stock. Clearly, amd is doing something right. Hopefully they can keep the ball rolling. I'm also hyped for zen. Didn't want to get my hopes up but that seems to be happening.
Yeah, it's kind of surprising that market share increased in Q1 when that would have nothing to do with Polaris at that point.
They did introduce the Rx 300 series, those were just rebadged Rx 200 but it stands to reason that some people wouldn't know about that and just bought them because they were "new".
They did introduce the Rx 300 series, those were just rebadged Rx 200 but it stands to reason that some people wouldn't know about that and just bought them because they were "new".

Why are you posting on this thread FFS? Are you bored on the other graphics site :lol: You're an Nvidiot so we're not really interested in your comments.
Another 10 % to reach 40% of market is achievable by AMD...Imo until the next GPU there will be a perception of need of a REAL DX12 card so AMD will gain more market share.
I see some curious trends in my country on second hand market...Many GTX 1070 are sold very quickly after buying brand new..The nvidia cards will devalue much more quickly because the nvidia market is very chaotic and confusing...Also DX12 is a kinda nail in the coffin for a GTX 980 series.Even Pascal is doing so so because of the DX12 perception.Imo AMD derailed the BIG NVIDIA train a bit with Mantle and DX12...It disturbed it's calm railing ... :)
I mean c'mon i see a 980TI brand new for same price as a fancy gtx 1060 6g...
At this price is a bargain...I am very happy that on steam survey the GTX 970 was the most popular...At least the bar is a bit upper than last years...
My take on this is that, with a 24 inch screen, 1080P is very good to excellent resolution
depending on eye/screen distance and, as such, the vast majority of people already
have a great setup for their needs.

I say a 27 inch 1440P which is a slight improvement, but smaller than that, the improvement is marginal.

As resolutions creep up slower and slower, the need for high end cards goes down proportionally...

Even with the RX480, builders are showcasing 650$ 1080P full systems :)

This, of course, is great for the consumer.