AMD vs. Nvidia new gen sales - one German reseller

It's hard to go based on one retailer. It seems like all of the 480s that have been made are selling out. However, supposedly the 480 is having yield issues. So, maybe GloFo is part of the problem?

Actually, if yields on Polaris are bad that could also explain its positioning (not quite faster than the 290/390 series). Maybe it was meant to clock another 100-200 MHz higher, but they had to scale it back due to yields?

There's a rumor that Vega is going to be made at TSMC, in which case that might indicate that production really was part of the problem with Polaris.
I have also heard that Vega will be made at TSMC.

GloFo has been a huge part of AMD's problems for years and years now, which is a very bad sign for Zen. AMD can design the most incredible CPU ever but if GloFlo can't make them in decent quantity with decent clock speed and thermal envelope then the situation is essentially hopeless.

Interestingly, Nvidia recently placed an order for Pascal GPUs from Samsung, suggesting TSMC isn't able to produce enough of them for Nvidia right now. This is likely to be a capacity issue as TSMC has a lot of customers including Apple who demand a lot of 16nm FF silicon and they just don't have enough fabs.
Well amd also has a deal with samsung to fab. What Im hearing is that the 480 was plentiful but is selling out. While the 1080 was in short supply for some time.

Theres nowhere near the market for 1080 as mid range so numbers will change drastically over the next few months for both 1060 and 480 vs the high ends...
File this under interesting rumor, but Nvidia's move to the Samsung's 14nm process is motivated by the recent change in scheduling regarding Volta and that it was initially set for a 2018 release using the 10 nm process, but has been moved up to the summer of 2017 using the 14nm process from Samsung instead.

So what does that mean for Vega if it has to face something that likely will be even faster than Pascal GP102 less than 6 months after it's release in early 2017?

Time waits for no one.
Even though figures can't be verified but seems to me as legit. Considering there are still stock outs on 1080s 2 months after release and this was the largest high end launch by NVidia.
Meanwhile, mainstream desktop sales continue to circle the drain. Most people don't need a discrete GPU as the iGPU runs Candy Crush and YouTube just fine.
Different release dates and availability. All this really says is the smaller process nodes are a bitch to get good chips out in enough quantities until it matures. But yes, Nvidia cards have been outselling AMD cards for a while. Steam hardware survey results can tell you that.
Actually if you compare each market segment in the OP and just look at the 1060 vs the 480 you see the 480/470 with 45% market share. Thats a huge increase from ~20%.
Actually if you compare each market segment in the OP and just look at the 1060 vs the 480 you see the 480/470 with 45% market share. Thats a huge increase from ~20%.

Unfortunately you have to include all market segments to get the full picture and if Nvidia is nearly selling the same amount of GTX 1070s as AMD RX480 than the picture doesn't look good at all. Going by these numbers revenue share is like 85 to 15%.
Unfortunately you have to include all market segments to get the full picture and if Nvidia is nearly selling the same amount of GTX 1070s as AMD RX480 than the picture doesn't look good at all. Going by these numbers revenue share is like 85 to 15%.

Those two figures could also tell you the following;
1. Nvidia aren't selling a shed load of 1070/1080 cards which means a lot of people with a 980ti aren't upgrading.
2. There is definitely a time lag in the launches and this will take some time for AMD 480 to catch up. Considering it has sold so many in a smaller time frame is actually very positive.
3. The RX 480 and 1070/1080 are aimed at different segments so you're not comparing apples with apples.
4 As an enthusiast card the 1080 has already been replaced by the Pascal Titan X which could hurt sales.
5 The 1080 and more so the 1070 have been pushed down the performance stack and unless Nvidia start to reduce prices sales will start to stall.
6 Why upgrade now when Vega and Volta are just around the corner.

As always there are lies, damned lies and statistics. Believe what you want.
Meanwhile, mainstream desktop sales continue to circle the drain. Most people don't need a discrete GPU as the iGPU runs Candy Crush and YouTube just fine.

Yeah but desktops have been replaced for general use for a long time now. I kind of doubt that candy crush is really cutting into the sales of people that bought a high end pc for crysis. Even my ancient yonah core laptop does fine for web surfing especially with a ssd. Have high end gpus really been replaced for most things that people were using them for 5 years ago? Nvidia has been competing with igps, inexpensive laptops, and consoles for much longer than that.
Actually if you compare each market segment in the OP and just look at the 1060 vs the 480 you see the 480/470 with 45% market share. Thats a huge increase from ~20%.

Thats a good point, does seem like a step in the right direction. Aren't these stats a little odd as well? I honestly thought that the price point that the rx480 sits in does more volume than the $400+ market. Seems odd to me.
I cant think of anyone that I know personally that owns a PC anymore. A few people have laptops but mostly everyone that I know uses there smart phones for everything. What will happen to desk top parts and prices in the next few years?
I cant think of anyone that I know personally that owns a PC anymore. A few people have laptops but mostly everyone that I know uses there smart phones for everything. What will happen to desk top parts and prices in the next few years?

Yeah, but were any of those high end pcs? That market isn't really effecting the high end skus. Probably using an igp so not effecting the gpu market at all.
Thats a good point, does seem like a step in the right direction. Aren't these stats a little odd as well? I honestly thought that the price point that the rx480 sits in does more volume than the $400+ market. Seems odd to me.

Its the early adopter rush to get the latest and greatest that skews the high vs mid range numbers. Now that the 1070 and 1080 are in stock they have stopped moving as much. Its also why I think the 1060 is pretty much in stock even tho its a brand new card. While the 480 is basically sold out even with the mid month huge shipment they sent out (one site said they were shipping 100k mid august).
I cant think of anyone that I know personally that owns a PC anymore. A few people have laptops but mostly everyone that I know uses there smart phones for everything. What will happen to desk top parts and prices in the next few years?

Well, that is the dilemma that Intel and Nvidia face. Right now a lot of the decline in PC sales have come disproportionately out of lost market share for AMD. But at some point even if AMD were to totally disappear, the declining PC market will affect them too.