AMD Radeon Crimson Edition 16.10.1 WHQL

I wonder, anyone ever heard about system problem with AMD drivers

playing 3D game (d3d11)
while at same moment
opened browser + viewing video (cpu/gpu) / accelerated rich content

game crash with out of shader/buffer resources (e.g. Elite: Dangerous)
AMD driver goes into restart
system encounter I/O stall while AMD driver restart in progress

observed platforms
64bit Windows7 SP1

hardware (seen on multiple boxes)
Intel i5/i7 CPUs
AMD HD7xxx/8xxx GPUs
SSDs only

those issues started since recent generation of the new Crimson drivers
(wasn't problem earlier when Crimson rolled out nor before them)

Intersting combination and seems not many people actually tried it...If you play a game that need 100% of resources why would i run a movie? ... This is the reason why this crash hasn't been fix ...

PS: i checked on your studio website to see what's new and i had a laugh:

Arma 3 Karts ... really :D ... you guys got bored ? :lol: :lol:
Karts was April joke, in similar style like Take On Helicopters: Zombies ;)

but it was released as tiny-DLC after community wanted it and all assets were done in good quality already ;)

we used it as test-bed to learn some stuff on DLCs