All Folders! Please Check In!!!

I probably should have checked in a while ago. Better late than never.

My name is appliedboy and I got that name because the main product I support at my job is nicknamed "Applied"...hence appliedboy. Maybe when I grow up I can be called appliedguy. I live in Minnesota(no it is not always cold up here) and work at an insurance agency as the sysadmin.

I decided to start folding because I have numerous computers at work that sit idle and should be used for a good cause. I chose Rage3D because I owned a 9700 at the time.

I guess that is all.
Checkin in - SmokeRings

Checkin in - SmokeRings

Checkin in, didn't read the whole thread though.
I added over 10GHz equiv p4 processing about 2 months ago after SETI blew it with thier new software.
I hope we can get our Graphics cards working soon (or did I miss it?) because I'm pretty sure our team has a lot of gaming rigs. I use this site mostly for Radeon support, tweaks, etc.

SmokeRings said:
Checkin in, didn't read the whole thread though.
I added over 10GHz equiv p4 processing about 2 months ago after SETI blew it with thier new software.
I hope we can get our Graphics cards working soon (or did I miss it?) because I'm pretty sure our team has a lot of gaming rigs. I use this site mostly for Radeon support, tweaks, etc.


Nice addition and welcome on the team. Under what name are you folding?
Checking in with 150K

Checking in with 150K

I figured ah what the h e double hockey sticks... I guess I can spare a post now. Trying to keep them numbers down, going for the record of the least posted most active folder... or something... hey I can make up what ever I want... :nag: :p :nuts:
Just started

Just started


I just started my folding for Team64 ;->

At the moment only one client is running, but I will isntall several clients on workstations and servers, so expect some input from me.

Happy folding ;->
Hi there!
I've been a member of this forum fpr quite some time, but folding was never my main objective... :mad:
Now that I have a new watercooled High-Performance CPU and it's basically doing nothing but runing Azureus all day ( :nuts: ) I thought I'd give it some work to do while I'm away.
I probably won't ever make it among the Top-Folders, but every little bit counts.
Actually it's a real pity that you can't use ure GPU for folding as well... :evil:

Team rage3D seems to be on the path to glory...and would't it be cool if it would be a nice little ATI-Sujpporter Site that discovers the Cure for cancer?
Hi, I just started folding few days ago, better late then never! :)

Rig is in Sig....Also putting together 2 of my older systems;3200+(2.2Ghz)XP and AMD K7 1400 mhz non XP.
Dem said:
Hi, I just started folding few days ago, better late then never! :)

Rig is in Sig....Also putting together 2 of my older systems;3200+(2.2Ghz)XP and AMD K7 1400 mhz non XP.
Excellent & welcome!

BTW, you're going to want to shorten that siggy to fit the 10 line limit. ;)
CommanderROR said:
Actually it's a real pity that you can't use ure GPU for folding as well... :evil:
Welcome! Actually, there is a GPU client in the works:


GPUs have the possibility to perform an enormous number of Floating Point OPerations (FLOPs). However, they achieve this high performance by losing generality -- there are only certain types of calculations which would be well-suited to GPUs. The calculations in FAH could possibly take advantage of GPUs and we have been investigating this with our collaborators Prof. Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University, Computer Science Dept) and Prof. Eric Darve (Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering Dept) and their groups. Prof. Hanrahan's group has pioneered methods for programming GPUs with the Brook streaming computer language and Prof. Darve's group has written many applications using Brook. It is unclear which GPUs will be supported and we don't want to specific list any GPUs at the moment. However, it will likely require the very latest GPUs from NVIDIA or ATI. There is also a possibility that only NVIDIA GPUs will work (they use 32 bit floating point, whereas ATI uses 24 bit).

July 2005 We have a working version of GROMACS on Brook, but are tuning performance.

August 2005 Vishal has made great progress in rewriting the GROMACS inner loops in order to take advantage of more memory. Now, we're tweaking for performance.

One of these day ... :drool:

OT: are ATi GPUs still 24bit? How about the upcoming R520?

I posted a thread in the ATi forum asking that question. Please post anything in regard to ATi 32bit support within the following thread so we can keep this thread on topic. Lets also resist turning that thread Folding specific. :up:

EDIT: apparently R3xx / R4xx are all 24bit, but the R520 will be 32bit. So once the R5xx series is released, Pande Group will need to update that FAQ! :up:
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Lupine said:
Excellent & welcome!

BTW, you're going to want to shorten that siggy to fit the 10 line limit. ;)

Hi and thanks. Got it down to 10 :)
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Lupine said:
Welcome! Actually, there is a GPU client in the works:


GPUs have the possibility to perform an enormous number of Floating Point OPerations (FLOPs). However, they achieve this high performance by losing generality -- there are only certain types of calculations which would be well-suited to GPUs. The calculations in FAH could possibly take advantage of GPUs and we have been investigating this with our collaborators Prof. Pat Hanrahan (Stanford University, Computer Science Dept) and Prof. Eric Darve (Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering Dept) and their groups. Prof. Hanrahan's group has pioneered methods for programming GPUs with the Brook streaming computer language and Prof. Darve's group has written many applications using Brook. It is unclear which GPUs will be supported and we don't want to specific list any GPUs at the moment. However, it will likely require the very latest GPUs from NVIDIA or ATI. There is also a possibility that only NVIDIA GPUs will work (they use 32 bit floating point, whereas ATI uses 24 bit).

July 2005 We have a working version of GROMACS on Brook, but are tuning performance.

August 2005 Vishal has made great progress in rewriting the GROMACS inner loops in order to take advantage of more memory. Now, we're tweaking for performance.

One of these day ... :drool:

OT: are ATi GPUs still 24bit? How about the upcoming R520?

I posted a thread in the ATi forum asking that question. Please post anything in regard to ATi 32bit support within the following thread so we can keep this thread on topic. Lets also resist turning that thread Folding specific. :up:

EDIT: apparently R3xx / R4xx are all 24bit, but the R520 will be 32bit. So once the R5xx series is released, Pande Group will need to update that FAQ! :up:

Hi I am not sure if this is the same thing but I'm reading the retail box of my x850xtpe and it says"128bit,64bit,and32bit per pixel floating point colour formats".
Dr. Zhivago checking in. I live in Beaverton, OR, I work as a Computer Consultant for one company and as an Audio Engineer for another. I decided to start folding for Rage3D tonight because my GF talked me into it after I explained to her what it was all about. She will now be on a CRUSADE to get EVERYONE she knows with a computer to start folding. :)

And, she is also folding now as Shelke. She is not a member here at Rage3D, but she does watch me post all the time.
