3D TV goes the way of the dodo

Its to bad honestly, I found it a nice feature when using my TV as a computer monitor. But honestly I dont use it enough probably to justify it.
yea i don't think anybody wanted to have a plethora of 3d glasses lying around (one for each person) or didn't really see 3D adding a whole lot.

The 3DS had the right idea of glasses-less 3D but I think that would have been pretty damn hard to implement on a TV without going the route of a hologram.
4K passive 3D TV was a good idea. Dirt cheap glasses with no batteries and you get full 1080p in each eye.
Not to mention allot of 3D TV's did it really poorly :\

But I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if we see the feature resurface later for 4k.
It was good for what it was but there just wasn't enough content. And half the content that was there was shitty converted 3D which looked like crap.

4k passive 3D offers the best experience, unfortunately it was tied to 4k which itself was a niche also.
:D Well screw you all.

Today I purchased a 75X940D because I don't trust the longevity of my Panasonic VT25 plasma. We looked at the 65" z9d and told the wife I would rather have 75".

My guess is people have vision issues or have something messed up because 3D looks great when done right.
so who do I sue for all the 3d blu rays I have that will be useless soon

and sony won't have a replacement with 3d for my new 55" tv with the best buy 5 year warranty when it dies in 3 years :bleh:
so who do I sue for all the 3d blu rays I have that will be useless soon

and sony won't have a replacement with 3d for my new 55" tv with the best buy 5 year warranty when it dies in 3 years :bleh:

It looks like there are solutions: http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=205648

Gives you either anaglyph 3D or merge/reintegration into 2D. Not perfect, but at least your 3D blu-rays will be watchable and in 3D (even if it is anaglyph).
so who do I sue for all the 3d blu rays I have that will be useless soon

and sony won't have a replacement with 3d for my new 55" tv with the best buy 5 year warranty when it dies in 3 years :bleh:

I think parts will be around for 5 years... 6 and 7 year old sets like mine - no.

And they are still making 3D bluray disks. Projectors still have 3D.
It'll come around again, as it does every decade or so. Hopefully next time with tech that doesn't require glasses. And, if the studios do want to continue to pursue 3D, even if only for the big screen, stop it with the post production 3-D garbage. Either film it in 3-D, or don't do it at all.
It'll come around again, as it does every decade or so. Hopefully next time with tech that doesn't require glasses. And, if the studios do want to continue to pursue 3D, even if only for the big screen, stop it with the post production 3-D garbage. Either film it in 3-D, or don't do it at all.
Wasn't the last big push in the 1950s? We are getting old and will probably see a decade but not 60 years...
For cinema and movies, the last push was in the 80's.

It came back a decade ago because we finally had the technology to view movies in 3D with just passive glasses at the cinemas. I remember My Bloody Valentine 3D being one of the best 3d movie experiences of the time.

Problem is studios saw how much money 3D was generating and decided to CONVERT rather than FILM in 3D, which led to real shitty experience. I think this is what kills (and continues to kill) 3d for the masses.

Either frigging film in 3d so the 3d experience is fantastic and worth the money, or don't do it at all instead of shoving that crappy post process conversion that looks awful.
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Wasn't the last big push in the 1950s? We are getting old and will probably see a decade but not 60 years...
From wiki:

  • The "golden era" (1952–1954)
  • Revival (1960–1984) in single strip format
  • Rebirth of 3D (1985–2003)
  • Mainstream resurgence (2003–present)

Full disclosure: Have never seen a mainstream movie in the theater in 3-D. Seen a few at iMax. Don't have a 3-D capable TV. Only movie I've seen in 3-D in a home setting was Star Trek Into Darkness, at my brother-in-law's house. Was good, but the wow factor wore off pretty quick.
I love 3D movies on my LG OLED. I'd say it's better than 3D at the cinema. To the point that I will opt for buying a 3D bluray of a film over a 4K bluray, exception being when the 4K bluray has HDR, can't pass that up.
If they can make it passive, it'll become a bit more popular again.

Alternatively, when VR sets become hi-def and light enough to watch movies that way.
I dunno. I've always seen movies as a social, rather than solo, event. Losing the social aspect, by having gear on my head, seems counter to this.
If they can make it passive, it'll become a bit more popular again.

Alternatively, when VR sets become hi-def and light enough to watch movies that way.

Passive makes sense for LCD and OLED(especially as we get as dense as 4k). But for Plasma the active 3D is/was awesome.