16.9.1 drivers (dx12 for DX:MD)

DX12 isn't helping performance for either vendor. Does it work in DX11? The 16.9.1 drivers gave a hefty boost in DX11 as well, so if you can get it to work in DX11, then just play it in DX11.

DX12 is actually performing worse than DX11 in almost every bench I've seen.

For me DX12 is significantly faster (and also better looking: DX11 has an insane amount of aliasing and crawling compared to DX12 for some reason). This is a bench i ran using the latest 9/15/16 beta of DXMD and the 16.9.1 drivers:
DX12 in Red and DX11 in Blue.




DX11 has "graph wise" smoother appearing frametimes over DX12, but in all honesty in DX12 the "spikes" in frametimes that would account for any significant change in framerate are so small and random they account for .0004% variance (yes .000004). You can actually see in the chart below (the single frame spikes, are something you would have to have superhuman powers to notice. (seriously anyone who said they would notice it would be lying and just one of "those" people.) The smaller spikes are like 1-2 fps.


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Too bad, I won't be playing Deus Ex: MD until it gets a lot of patches...to mature DX11 and DX12 performance enough. I'll have to play other games while Nixxes have to fix the performance issues.
Nah, I wish.

I can unequivocally say it's definitely worth it. I bought an Acer XF270HU with 144hz freesync and all my games run flawlessly. As good as a graphics card update IMHO. Not cheap though cost me £380 but I feel it is money well spent. Absolutely no buyer's remorse whatsoever. TBH should have done it earlier.