Recent content by JZL

  1. JZL

    2023 - What do you want for Christmas this year?

    I'm hard to buy for and usually end up getting my own thing. Last year it was a couple new golf clubs (putter and 3-hybrid). This year, I don't know-- maybe some new Halloween stuff? :) My giant spider is > 15 years old now. Maybe some golf lessons to go with the new clubs. :embarrassed:
  2. JZL

    Our Flag is Death

    I really really want to . . . but I just can't.
  3. JZL

    Movie Procurement Behaviors

    Movies I really like I can watch several times, so I like to own. Wifey is a one-time-watcher, so she doesn't care.
  4. JZL

    Movie Theater Candy [[Boxed]]

    Even people who now hate theaters probably liked them at one time or at least the candy-types, or they eat this stuff at home now. Anyhow, which are the best? Multiple Choice . . . I used this webpage as a loose guide.
  5. JZL

    Flight Simulator 2024

    FS 2024 Announced, with a bunch of new cool stuff to do . . . Microsoft Flight Sim 2024 revealed a massive array of activities we’ll be able to take part in as aviators in the game. That included firefighting, search-and-rescue, helicopter cargo transport, air ambulance, agricultural aviation...
  6. JZL

    Ray Stevenson dead at 58

    Punisher and Ahsoka (and Rome) star, RIP. Wifey happens to be viewing Rome these days. (HBO mid-aughts)
  7. JZL

    3v-12v Adjustable Charger?

    Anyone have something like this:
  8. JZL

    ChatGPT's jokewriting as seen by Comedians

    Six Comedians analyze ChatGPT's joke-writing. .​ - Gary Gulman
  9. JZL

    KC Chiefs win!

    Chiefs win THE BIG GAME *cough*Uber Bowl*cough* the emmeffin Super Bowl!!! Crazy game, right?
  10. JZL

    Epic turning off online play for some older games

    [No message]
  11. JZL

    To Kill a Mockingbird 60th Anniversay re-release

    One of the best movies ever in theaters again! What with this and Avatar, I hope this is becoming a trend. Unlike some of you louts, I still like going to theaters.
  12. JZL

    Halloween 2022

    So what's going on this time around? The last two years COVID put a damper on Halloween, but things are normal more normal now. UberBeavis "won" Halloween two years ago-- it wasn't even close. My big spider has taken a beating this October due to some strong winds [duh, it's Kansas after all.]...
  13. JZL

    International Space Week: October 4-10

    In other space news: After DART impact, Dimorphus now with yuge debri trail. And now for something completely different . . . wO0A0XcWy88
  14. JZL

    "The Expanse" Videogame in the works Some alpha gameplay footage to wet your whistle. . . TdU8hhftinE
  15. JZL

    Spacing After Periods

    That's ".", not menses. :eek: For a long, long time, a new sentence (or word) beginning after a period began only one space after the period. I can't recall why, but at some point printing evolved such that using two spaces became preferable, if not necessary. Of course, commas have always...