Why oh why did I think I could remove my own transmission?

I did a little digging and saw some photos of the removal where the trans was separated from the engine. I did see the locating pins sticking out on the bottom side, but don't see any bolts that would still be there after removal. I imagine you weren't talking about those pins since they shouldn't have any nuts on them.

Do you have the clearance to pull it straight back and clear it, then drop it and pull it out?

Tranny is off...took me forever to figure out oil shaft pump will slide out if I tip it......ready to go but now need a cheap O ring that won't arrive till Wednesday....arghhh
Thanks OC....felt like ten steps forward, one step back. Making progress...sweet, sweet, slow progress!
Wish me luck...putting the tranny back up tomorrow and my second set of hands bailed on me. Oh well, just have to take my time and go a little slower. My number one concern is that after I've seated the Torque Converter properly, it might shift as I struggle to align the tranny with the engine. As Elysian said, the tranny is a beast and moving it around aint easy, even with a jack on wheels.
Well got the torque converter in, but mounting and realigning the transmission has been a bigger pain than anticipated. So close, but at the end I need to reposition the tranny on the jack and that wasn't going to happen tonight (working outdoors on the driveway and it was starting to rain and lose light).

Retry again tomorrow. But yes...in the homestretch!
Are you using a transmission lift, or just a regular jack?

Using a jack with a transmission adapter:

What I find I'm missing by going this way is that my jack doesn't have swivel caster wheels that let me shift left/right.
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Tranny is up....what a bitch to put up....tranny actually fell off the Jack and landed on differential....think it s ok...at least it's up and into to putting everything back
Both front drive shafts in, starter back on (but still need to double check I put the grounds, terminals in the right spot). Man I wish I took more "before" pics of the engine before i started dismantling everything.

Remind me....do I need power to shift the car from Neutral to Park?
I tried with key in the ignition (battery still disconnected) and shifter would not move.

Almost there....BUT....found out the hardway that the replacement resonator pipe I got from Rockauto has a different sized exhaust flange verus the matching original Cat side. I already got too much exhuast parts south of the resonator to ship it all back....they gave me $45 in store credit and suggested I bring it to a muffler shop to weld on a larger flange on the Cat.

So close....last thing to do is re-wire the starter.
I screwed up on the dismantling earlier and took the solenoid off, didn't take enough before shots and now having a hell of a time trying to reconfigure it all together. The last thing I want to do is fry the starter, the car, and myself.
Ha...thought I had the starter all ready to go....was all ready to turn the engine on for the first time....connect the battery....WITHOUT the keys in the ignition...and the starter starts cranking when I connected the battery.

So close.....must of ****ed up the solenoid somehow....
So the epic journey has ended in defeat.
Solved the starter issue (was solenoid screwed up during removal). Was all set to go start it up, cranked the engine, shifted into R, nothing.....shifted into D (had to be careful with garage door ahead)...nothing....shifted in Neutral...wouldn't move down the slope of my driveway.

Took the day off today expecting victory, but at some point you have to cut your losses, be congnizant of the cost and time put in and decided it was time to go to the experts....Had it towed to a well respected tranny shop and was told they will be able to look at it on Monday.

I"m hoping its not too painful a goof, and dreading that I will need a new tranny.

I want to thank everyone here for their encouragement and patience for this blog of ineptitude.

Learned alot, added to my tool collection, and had to experience this one way or the other....this was my white whale.
Man, that sucks Husky. :cry:

Still though, you took on the job and saw it through to the end. Could be something super simple, or even something beyond your control as it was going back together. Who knows? When it comes down to it though, sometimes we just need the car soon and have to get it running. No shame in turning it over to someone else so it can be used again soon. :up:

While I try to do most of the work on my cars, there are some jobs I simply don't feel like doing, and others I'll have someone else do simply because I want it done quick so to minimize downtime.

Nice work either way, and hope it's something simple. :)
So the place I towed the truck to finally got back to me (after it sitting there since Friday). They are basically saying they are going to order a new Torque Converter, and just redo the project from beginning to end. I"m disappointed they won't do more detective work, but I can also understand it takes alot of work to get to the TC and put it back to test.