Internet speed test

Noticed I was downloading games on Steam at 29mbps so I did a speed test..

I pay for 100/10

Strange thing is it's only Steam and certain servers on speedtest giving me results like these. also reported faster than 100/10 at 140/13

Guess I'll see if this new speed sticks and propagates itself out to more servers.
The void givith and the void taketh away !__!

**** you trickle pickle >:E
Still pumping the old gigabit

I used to be a huge FIOS fanboy but they've been not so great lately. About every year I would get a free speed bump but that stopped about five years ago.

Now my download is sucking for about three months. Should be 85/85. A ping test to is about 99.5% successful.

After almost two years of dealing with a handicapped download, finally contacted customer support and they "refreshed the network" and I'm back above my promised 75/75. Yay.

Just installed a UniFi Dream Machine Pro. Set my AT&T Router to pass-through mode and turned on all firewall settings on the Dream Machine. Actually saw a boost in internet speeds :drool:


Wireless connection at a hotel. Holy shitballs I had no idea even the purest of wifi could get these kinds of numbers.

So glad I updated everything on my laptop with my 85 Mbps connection before leaving home. :nag:
could upgrade to gigabit for around 90 bucks a month including telephone, high-end router and a bunch of hd/uhd tv channels. Kinda tempted, but to be honest, i really don't need that kind of connection
Got a Netgear Nighthawk Wifi Mesh setup, pretty happy with it so far. We've got Gigabit internet, pretty happy with this speed on my Macbook Pro's WiFi.

Got a Netgear Nighthawk Wifi Mesh setup, pretty happy with it so far. We've got Gigabit internet, pretty happy with this speed on my Macbook Pro's WiFi.

This is my 400mbps service through Spectrum. I refuse to pay them the upgrade fee to get gig. In the spring my neighborhood will have 1gig (and maybe 2 gig) symmetrical fiber. I may switch.

Oh, and the results are using my desktop w/ wifi through an older AC router.
I got a speed upgrade from Comcast without increasing my bill. Long story short, I told them I was thinking of canceling, they ended up offering me an upgrade while keeping my same price, and for 2 years.

My previous was ~200Mbps Down, and ~5Mbps Up.

Here is my new speeds, advertised speeds are supposed to be 800 Mbps Down and 10 Mbps Up

Just installed a UniFi Dream Machine Pro. Set my AT&T Router to pass-through mode and turned on all firewall settings on the Dream Machine. Actually saw a boost in internet speeds :drool:

What are your home network transfer speeds with the dream machine pro?