Call of Duty Black ops 2


New member
So is there any other PC gamers looking forward to this as much as i am ? I understand that us PC gamers have been screwed over with recent CoDS especially those developed by Infinity Ward but i would say Black ops was the best CoD title since CoD4 and Black ops 2 is looking to improve on that with even more PC features...


Ranked dedicated servers
Field of View option
Optimised engine
Joypad support (why anyone would want to play a FPS game with a joypad on PC is beyond me)
VAC Anti-cheat system along side Treyarch's proprietary anti-cheat system (would have preferred Punkbuster for the third party anti cheat streaming such as PBBans)
Direct X10 & 11
Developed by a dedicated PC team
LAN on Listen Server (Internet required for each person playing [not the best option but better than no LAN option at all])

Multiplayer reveal trailer:


Reveal trailer:


Now i know there will be haters for this game....there is every year. But as a big fan of the Call of Duty series i cannot wait for this game. Yes visuals are similar to Blops 1, MW2 and MW3 (same engine) but Call of Duty has never been about super hi tech visuals like BF3. It is about the fast paced multiplayer gameplay with non stop action, add that to the never before done in a cod title futuristic setting and were on to a winner.

This time with the PC features listed above it also stands a chance with E-sports as Treyarch have already confirmed it will be Esports orientated (shoutcaster at the end of the multiplayer reveal is a big hint on that). Personally i think this could be the best PC cod since CoD4. What do you think ?
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I might get it as long if they go as far away as possible from the direction that mw3 took.

That game is just a cluster****.

Iw does not know how to make a balanced game.
I will pick up Black Ops 2. Black Ops was easily the best COD title since COD4. After the disappointment that was MW3, I am looking forward to another Black Ops title. It's nice that Treyarch actually listens to PC gamers.

Also, I'd like to add that the horses in the campaign look really lame. :lol:
The biggest fail for me with MW2 and MW3 were the hackers. Multiplayer ground war is now just a hack fest on MW3 and IW just blatantly refuse to do anything about it. VAC isn't the best anti cheat out there and i most definitely prefer Punkbuster, however with ranked dedicated servers come server admins, jump onto a popular dedicated server with mature admins and the hacker problems are solved. I for one will be renting a couple of servers for my clan, 1 for competitive gaming and 1 for public gaming. Black ops had dedicated servers but we were limited to renting them only from gameservers which was a problem due to server locations. Hopefully this time the server files will be given to all GSP's.
ill probably end up getting it.

Ive become well known for tomahawk/ballistic/knife kills on the server i reguarly frequent and black ops 2 has tomahawks in it which means i must continue my sharp pointy object killing ways!
One minute into the trailer I thought "well, at least there are no mechs!". 10s later, there was a mech :( No thanks!

This is what BF2142 was to the BF series. Completely out of place :down:

I'll probably even skip the game's SP and the SP is usually the only reason why I buy and like CoD games.
I might get it, depends on what else I'm playing. I eventually got MW3 which in hindsight was a bad decision. I enjoyed the campaign for black ops and I also enjoyed the multiplayer despite the stutter problems.
I stopped buying these things after COD4. It will just be another made for console game ported over to the PC at the 11th hour. No time or care taken for the PC players, just 100% of what the consoles need / want.
More carrot on a a stick operant conditioning with low skill cap. ;)

I stopped buying these things after COD4. It will just be another made for console game ported over to the PC at the 11th hour. No time or care taken for the PC players, just 100% of what the consoles need / want.

I don't know, Black Ops was a step in the right direction (namely away from MW2, MW3 was an expansion pack for MW2 imo), and I hope they continue it with Black Ops 2.

The truth is, consoles are where the money is, so it's hard to get noticed on PC anymore. I think Battlefield 3 has shown, though, that there is a viable PC market and you can make money on the platform.

I might get it, depends on what else I'm playing. I eventually got MW3 which in hindsight was a bad decision. I enjoyed the campaign for black ops and I also enjoyed the multiplayer despite the stutter problems.

Yea, MW3 MP on PC is pretty terrible. The netcode (namely the anti-lag) in general is horrible.
I've pre-purchased this on Steam already. As soon as I saw it supported ranked dedicated servers I knew I was gonna buy it. The original BO was one of the better CoD games in recent times (with ok-ish support for PC gamers such as dedis, configurable FoV etc), and I got many hours of fun multiplayer gameplay from it. I'd say in many PC CoD Gamers eyes Treyarch are now the primary CoD devs and Infinity Ward are the secondary scrubs.

The footage they've been showing has to be from a PC build, it's a bit too clean to be from a console version of the game.
I actually downloaded Black Ops for a laugh on one of the free steam weekend things a few months ago, and boy, was it bad. You have to realise that I started playing COD from its first iteration in 2003 then on to United Offensive in 2004. To me those games were just the best, a great experience all around. So the direction in which the series has gone now, to me is just a total disaster. Gone are the open roam, larg-ish levels and have been replaced with corridoor maps of about half the size of the largest COD1 maps.
I actually downloaded Black Ops for a laugh on one of the free steam weekend things a few months ago, and boy, was it bad. You have to realise that I started playing COD from its first iteration in 2003 then on to United Offensive in 2004. To me those games were just the best, a great experience all around. So the direction in which the series has gone now, to me is just a total disaster. Gone are the open roam, larg-ish levels and have been replaced with corridoor maps of about half the size of the largest COD1 maps.

Console memory restrictions...
Looks MW3 in a different skin. I bought the first BO, and skipped both MW2 and 3. The engine hasn't improved, the gameplay looks like it's easy button with the built in wall hack sight and all the gadgets. We might see some more detail on PC, but the gameplay will be about the same it looks. I'm just tired of the same o'l same o'l here.