
New member
I'm using AMD-Catalyst-15.7.1 and the Crimson-ReLive-16.12.2 VGA Driver only. I also just looked and seen amd RapidFireServer.dll. What is all this garbage? I just wanted a driver, not a bunch of 3rd party BS!! Wtf is it doing with moviemaker? making movies?


I dont want this trash.
I want a driver, not a bunch of garbage like chill and RapidFireServer or mantle.
Its friggin sloppy and I dont need it.

I never seen so much garbage install via device manager in my life.
The OP is overreacting a bit but frankly, the complaint really makes sense.
I also hate unnecessarily bloated drivers / systems. Especially stuff that is stealthily installed or activated without the user requesting or allowing it.

:) :) ;) :) :mad:
The OP is overreacting a bit but frankly, the complaint really makes sense.
I also hate unnecessarily bloated drivers / systems. Especially stuff that is stealthily installed or activated without the user requesting or allowing it.

:) :) ;) :) :mad:
The "user" is most of the time not aware of what is necessary so that his computer runs smoothly and without problems.
That's why he's the "user", and not the "developer".

I would understand if AMD was installing spyware on your computer, but come on... that's just driver components.

Stop getting angry for nonsense, you'll live longer and happier ;)
ok so its not a virus
how about a name other than the ransomware dropper looking one?

I tore chill out of the registry. my card runs fine, its not a 6970
Part of it is tech AMD got from buying a company called HiAlgo. The two nice features are dynamic resolution control that works independently of the game(don't think this is implemented yet) and the another to try and keep your GPU cooler(Chill). The others are probably features that are part of ReLive that let you record and stream. You know you don't have to install ReLive right? It's optional during the driver install process.

Mantle is and API. Like OpenGL and DirectX. No reason to remove it, but very few games implemented Mantle.
  • Battlefield 4
  • Battlefield Hardline

  • Civilization: Beyond Earth
  • Civilization: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide
  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Mirror's Edge Catalyst
  • Need for Speed Rivals
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare
  • Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
  • Sniper Elite III
  • Star Citizen
  • Thief (2014 video game)
Mantle enabled video games. (according to Wiki)
