WTF!!! AMD OC'ing Question


New member
I'm pretty confused right now. I have just attempted to OC my T-Bird 1 GHZ and all was well to the 1.1 GHZ level but anything above that it does not recognize. I set the dipswitches to a 12.0x multiplier and it still shows up as a 1109 mhz. I thought that if your processor was locked you could'nt OC at all. Somebody throw me a bone.

AMD T-Bird 1 GHZ @ 1.1
Asus A7V Bios Rev. 1005a
256 MB PC133 CAS-2
Radeon 32 DDR (OC 183)
SB Live! Platinum 5.1
Kenwood 72x CD-ROM
Artec 8x4x32 CD-RW
Win98 SE

It's not cheating if it's online
This is a well known problem, usually having to do with bad connections of the L1 bridges or low voltage. If I were you, I'd redo the L1 and L7 bridges with a pencil or using that Loctite resin. I had to do it twice before everything worked perfectly for me.
Yeah, you have two options to overclock:

One, is to unlock the multiplier by doing what Hannibal said

Two, is to raise your front side bus speed