Windows to iphone (TL:DR = I have an iphone 6S)


Hidden in plain sight
I had a Nokia Lumia 930. Windows 8.1 > Windows 10 mobile. I felt it was fine, but the lack of apps really started to bug me after awhile. Didn't really NEED it first (used the mobile web browser, and even that didn't really become usable until after the Edge browser came out) but the lack of apps really started to get annoying. Whatever few apps they DID have either worked "good enough", never got updated with features the android/ios had, or slowly started disappearing.

I liked Win10 mobile but even then phone updates started not adding anything, and even glitching out at times.
MS really didn't give a crap after WP8.1 came out so this isn't really surprising but its disappointing to see potential fade away. of course their timing was also all sorts of bad (WP8 should have been what WP7 is, 8.1 should be 8.0, 10 should have been 8.1 etc)

Anyways, finally jumped ship when my Lumia's screen went kaput suddenly.
After multiple reboots, draining the battery/recharging didn't do anything. Took about a week before I finally figured out away to access my phone via computer. (hooray I didn't lose stuff)

So now I have an iPhone 6Sand some things I noticed:

-The 4.7" "retina" screen is nice and sharp. Lumia 930 had a nice sharp 5" AMOLED screen. But over the course of the week my vision was tainted through the use of a temporary Lumia 710 windows 7 phone with a blurry basic IPS screen. At this point I would say the iPhone screen is better, (wish I could have done a side by side)
-The 4.7" screen seems a bit tall and skinny compared to the 5" screen. Landscape mode feels a wide and squashed because of it.
-I miss the back button. I liked the back button. Why cant Apple count higher than 1? (the apple button does the same thing as the windows button did)
-I have apps now! hooray!
-The keyboard.....kind of sucks.
-The Lumia 930 was a thick, weighty tank of a phone. Didn't use a case. The iPhone 6S feels light, skinny and fragile in comparison (needs a case)
-Things run much smoother even though the hardware was no slouch on the Lumia. Games seem more optimized for the A9 processor vs the Snapdragon 800.

I got a 6S because I had a good deal on it (unlocked, buy out). 7, 8, X way too expensive without getting trapped with a 2year contract.
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