Planet Express
Yesterday my main desktop got updated to 1909 18363.385, I'm on the release preview channel.
So far, the only differences I've noticed are the labels on the shortcuts in the Start Menu, before they were only icons, now when you hover over them they expand to show a label. And, the option to add a new event/calendar entry directly from the clock in the traybar.
I was hoping they include the new Edge browser based on Chromium in this release
So, has anyone else received the update?
So far, the only differences I've noticed are the labels on the shortcuts in the Start Menu, before they were only icons, now when you hover over them they expand to show a label. And, the option to add a new event/calendar entry directly from the clock in the traybar.
I was hoping they include the new Edge browser based on Chromium in this release
So, has anyone else received the update?