win2000 IE5 prob. Need someone to check their own PC for files for me.


New member
I have been having a problem with the rage3d forum. every time I tab to fill in my password IE5 and IE5.5 hangs, but then comes back after about 5 minutes. Additionally, Outlook express when opened does not appear (but is running in taskman) for a similar length of time. I have narrowed the fault down to this MS knowledge base article: Q251787 As it is for win9x and has no reference to win2000 it may be out of date. Therefore I have no way of knowing wheter or not I am missing files!

What I need someone to do is look for the following files. I only have the pstorec.dll file? is this correct, or do you have them all?





I can't do the first option because it hangs... and I can't do the last because I have no pstores.exe to re-install protected storage!

Any help much appriechiated! :)
I will search for it when I get back home...

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
Here are the info u've requested. For security reason, I've censored some info. :p

windir=Base W2K directory unless stated as Win98SE directory

Location: <%windir%>\system32
Size: 114,448 bytes
Created: Tuesday, August 01, 2000, 01:45:12
Version: 5.0.2195.1600

Location: <%windir%>\system32
Size: 37,648 bytes
Created: Tuesday, December 07, 1999, 12:00:00
Version: 5.0.2134.1

Pstorerc.dll (This is found in Win98, NOT W2K!)
Location: <%windir%>\system
Size: 43,792 bytes
Created: Wednesday, February 02, 2000, 08:06:20
Version: 5.0.1877.5

PSTORES.EXE (This is found in Win98, NOT W2K!)
Location: <%windir%>\system
Size: 81,680 bytes
Created: Wednesday, February 02, 2000, 08:06:21
Version: 5.0.1877.3

I suggested you try Option 1 first, but instead of using COntrol Panel -> Internet Option... delete ALL your cookies. If I remember correctly, the Auto-Complete feature is implemented using cookies, so deleting or temporarily move ALL of them may help.

Do not do the Pstore thingy as it seems to be for Win9x only!

Last thing I can do is to send u those files and then you can copy them into ur system32 directory. Then goto Computer Management -> Services and application -> Services -> Protected Storage to either Start or Restart the service.

HTH. :)

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
If u need the files, email me. Let me know how it goes. :)

Dual Celeron 300A oc 450, Gigabyte GA-6BXD, ATI Radeon 64MB VIVO 166 oc 180, 256MB SDRAM, Abit HotRod66, IBM DS 34GXP 20.1GB, Pioneer 10x Slot-in DVD, Yamaha 8424 CD-RW, Yamaha YMF744 XG sound, W2K SP1, Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900U.
I have the files off the cdrom, but its still screwd up, so I'm going to remove IE5 and outlook express and re-install them. Somehow. If that doesn't work I'll wipe IE5, and OE as everyone else uses netscape anyway. I may try doing a system repair though.