most of the visualisations are 2d. All the calculations are done on a per-pixel basis. FOe example Geiss, will run pretty fast in 8BPP mode, this is because 4 pixels will fit into a single CPU clock cycle, if you pick 32 bit, then its 1 per clock, and if you pick 16 bit, then you only get 1 per clock, and the rest of the space is wasted, in addition to each portion of the pixel (red, green, blue) requiring to be stretched into 32BPP type so MMX can be used. This then adds about 3 or 4 clocks to each pixels calculalation. This is just for drawing 1 frame, with no mathmatical transforms, EG radial blurs, dilations, or erosion...
1 frame at 1024*768 = 786432 pixels
30 fps = 23'592'960 pixels every second
then say each pixel needs 15 clock cycles to process:
you need 1'061'683'200 (about 1GHZ) of processor speed
then you still have to run windows, wimamp processes, (fourier anaylsis for EQ bar, and beat detection), MP3 decoding, disk activity, data memory transfers to video...
get Geiss its the best!
or 3d ones like tripex, or others like eonic.