Where's the Radeon 2?

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Didn't you guys say it was going to be available in like August? No wait, you said it would be announced in November and released in December. That reminds me, I recall hearing somewhere that the Voodoo5 6000 was supposed to be released this year too... but I digress.

Do you still think the Radeon 2 will be out next month? Exactly when would they announce it this month? At Comdex next week? We'll see... rest assured I'll be stopping back in at the end of the month, and if there has been no announcement by then, you'd better have your flame shields at full power. If there's one thing I hate more than marketing people, it's idiots who tell lies just to draw attention to their website.

Announcement this month, VOLUME shipment in early 2001. Sorry I cannot tell you the exact day it will be announced due to constant changes within ATI.

Just because 3dfx delayed the Voodoo5 6000 doesn't mean the people who said it would ship during the summer were lieing.
If the company isn't sure when they're going to ship, YOU can't be sure when they're going to ship, and you shouldn't be making false claims pretending that you DO know when they are going to ship. Doing so just makes you look foolish.

And yes, saying the V5 6k was going to ship in the summer when it didn't, was in fact a lie. How could it not be a lie? They said something that ISN'T TRUE... last time I checked that was the definition of a lie. They didn't say "it will probably be out sometime in the summer" or "it should be out next month", they said it WOULD be out in the summer (July, specifically).

How would you feel if I owed you $5 and told you I would pay you tomorrow, only to tell you later that I decided to delay my payment for a while?

This is all marketing BS and I'm disappointed that you would bother spreading such unfounded rumors around as though they were hardened fact.
this subject seems to piss a few people off.. but companies missing a release date is not that uncommon in this business and it is an unfair analogy to compare this to something like money being owed. the companies do not owe any of us anything, they can release whatever they want and whenever they want.. if they release on time, good for them, if they don't it's the company that will lose out.

rage3d, or anyone other than ati does not know what ati will do, we only have a pretty good idea of it from such things as roadmap posted here earlier. (how else would we even be talking about radeon2 right now?)

a simple fact is that an event that did not already happen is never a hardened fact, and most readers are aware of this as well, i hope..
>> If the company isn't sure when they're going to ship, YOU can't be sure when they're going to ship,

The point of a roadmap is to give a guideline for future products. Every graphics company has delays (ATI with Rage 128, 3dfx with Voodoo5, Nvidia with NV20). Are you going to go around calling all the websites who reported NV20 as being released in November liars now?

>> and you shouldn't be making false claims pretending that you DO know when they are going to ship. Doing so just makes you look foolish.

Can you specify which false claims you are referring to? I admit it was a mistake for including the RADEON MAXX in the roadmap. I included it because of older information, even prototypes were made. However I quickly found out it was cancelled and gave corrections and new info on ATI's next AFR-based product.

>> And yes, saying the V5 6k was going to ship in the summer when it didn't, was in fact a lie.

3dfx lied, but you could not blame the "websites" for false information when they were just reporting the info 3dfx gave them.

>> This is all marketing BS and I'm disappointed that you would bother spreading such unfounded rumors around as though they were hardened fact.

Marketing for who? ATI? I don't work for ATI, I am a Rage3D staff member but I don't get paid for doing work here. I thought putting up an ATI roadmap based on info I got from various sources would be a nice change than to see constant Nvidia and 3dfx *rumors* all the time. I tried to make the roadmap as accurate as possible. I did confuse calendar year Q1 with ATI's fiscal year Q1, but that was not an intentional mistake.
"but companies missing a release date is not that uncommon in this business"

That's the point, ATi isn't missing a release date because ATi never GAVE a release date, Rage3D gave a release timeframe based on some roadmap that they claim is from ATi. ATi has never even announced the Radeon 2 to my knowledge, so it's hard for them to miss a release date, isn't it? I just think it's wrong for you guys to tell people something like "Radeon 2 will be announced in November and released in December", when you actually have no real clue when it will be announced or released.

I still maintain that I don't expect to see the Radeon 2 before March 2001 at the earliest, and more likely it won't be available until April. Time will tell, but the fact remains that your guess is as good as mine, and you have no business posting any speculated release information on your news page as though it was a hardened fact.
The information was not speculated, I gave specific product names and release dates. My error was when I considered calendar year Q1 2001 to be fiscal year Q1 2001. If the information posted proves to be completly false, I will take the entire blame for it. What makes you assume it was "made up"?

Releasing Radeon II in March 2001 would mean ATI is having major internal problems. I could find the quote from where ATI's president says Radeon II will be released before the end of the year, but the Radeon II will be announced real soon, so there is no point in arguing when it will be released.

Oh and BTW, at ATI's request the roadmap was deleted. Already people were having second thoughts about buying a Radeon because Radeon II would be released so soon. ATI is forced to have 6 month product cycles because if they don't they won't survive much longer in this industry. I don't know if they will release the Radeon II on time, but ATI has said they are on track.

just curious, do you happen to own a GeForce2?
I tend to disagree with you Crusher, although roadmaps are highly speculative, they do provide consumers with information pertaining to a companys future plans and what direction they are moving towards. Roadmaps will probably never be 100% accurate, no one expects them to be, nothing is 100% until the company itself makes its own official announcement and even then theres usually changes (as previously mentioned, V5, NV20, rage128, etc). I for one enjoy reviewing roadmaps, i compare one sites anticipated product roadmap against another and then make my own speculative analysis. If you plan all your future purchases on someones roadmap your obviously missing the point. Kudos to Rage3d for their consistent roadmap updates, its a shame Ati is worried they may cause sales to slow in thier current product lineup. I only wish i had a chance to read the last one, Oh well its only a roadmap.
If you didn't make it up, where exactly did you get the information? Did ATi send it to you? If so, why didn't they just make a press release?

Regardless of what the actual information you have was, or what your interpretation of it was, the fact remains that what you posted on your site was wrong, yet you insisted in the comments thread afterwards that it was accurate. Your news post did not say "Q1", it said "November" and "December".

You do not work for ATi, and even the people at ATi cannot say for sure when the Radeon 2 will be released, but you decided to post your information anyway. That is bad journalism, and it hurts the credibility of this site.

I have no problem admitting that I have a GTS in my computer. It is a good card (much better than the V2 SLI I had before), and I bought it before the Radeon was available, so it was the best option at the time. I never claimed the Radeon was a bad card, and I do not think that it is. I have recommended the Radeon to many people, as well as the Voodoo5 5500. This does not have anything to do with my concern over your spreading of mis-information, however. My argument has nothing to do with the products, just your false claims of when they would be released.

Several points to make here:

1)Companies change their minds and/or miss INTERNAL targets all the time.

2)The V5 6000 has been cancelled. Did 3dfx want to cancel it? No. It was forced to.

3)There are big differences between internal targets, OEM roadmaps, and press releases.
Any idiot can figure out that roadmap information and any forward looking statements are non canonical.

4)Even though the dates may change, most of these products will appear.

5)Intel's Itanium has been delayed for 3 years. The Pentium 4 has been delayed for over a month. Does this make all the speakers at IDF liars?

Actually, if you have a quote from an ATI exec saying the RadeonII will be out by the end of this year, I'd like to read it.

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