Where do I get a Remote Wonder from in the UK?


New member
Does anyone know where I would be able to purchase a Remote Wonder from within the UK, without paying for expensive international shipping?
It's true that international fees are really expensive for just a 25euros product....

Have you tried classical computer shops in the street ? In France, you can buy this remote in computer specialists (I know at least 4 computer shops selling it). I guess it should be the same in the UK ?!
Again me !

You can buy the remote from Hercules shop (official ATI supplier in Europe). You will be charged 41,29 Euros, which is the best price I've found for international shipping (for UK, it's only 11 euros of shipping fees, compared to 25 euros in other online shops)....


the link :
Hercules Shop (direct access)
I purchased mine from Hercules france but it took over a month to arrive and i had to pester them with emails ; i wish i had seen this link first , i have used the company recently with no problems .


Just updated the link , it would seem that the komplett one is listed as a RETAIL unit and at a very good price . Out if stock at the moment but i am buying another one from them :D
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Oh :eek: the link dosen't go to the correct page but just do a search for hercules and look at the last entry bottm of the resulting page :D
UK Supplier(s?) at last

UK Supplier(s?) at last

remotew said:
(why is the remote more expensive in the UK ??)

I don't know but it seems like everything is more expensive in the UK! It's good that at least 1 UK supplier is selling them now though.
drivers are not bundled with the bulk version.
just download from ATI website or you should buy the retail version !
No "supplied" drivers isn't a problem

No "supplied" drivers isn't a problem

I bought one of these from the Hercules Shop in France (before any UK suppliers started selling them) and it was the same (no Driver CDROM or Batteries). For the sake of a 10 minute download though and £1 for a pack of batteries, I'd much rather have the cheaper bulk/OEM version. That blisware site looks to have some VERY good deals :D - thanks for the heads-up DewGrabber.
remotew said:
drivers are not bundled with the bulk version.
just download from ATI website or you should buy the retail version !

retail version not available in UK you retard

the drivers downloaded from ATI *REQUEST* the driver CD during installation
which driver are trying to install ?
Because version 1.1 then 1.2 does not request ATI CD (first time I heard about that ... only ATI DVD Player request a valid CD)

visit my website to know where to download drivers.


Captain Beige said:
retail version not available in UK you retard

the drivers downloaded from ATI *REQUEST* the driver CD during installation

OK I'll take the bait :evil: 2 points-
1 I suggest you NEVER call someone trying to help you a "Retard". You won't get any help (or people even trying to help you) if you keep that up and you'll anoy a lot of people in the process - how would you feel? Having been in the military I can tell you that your behaviour isn't like that of a Captain, more a private, if that - aren't you going to try to live up to your name? Did you stop to think that remotew isn't in the UK so he won't know all the ins and outs of OUR market?
2 remotew is correct in that the ATI CDROM isn't required for the remote wonder installation. I've installed it plenty of times using the drivers off the web without a CDROM in sight.

Good on you for helping this "difficult customer" remotew.
Re: Provocation

Re: Provocation

Flying Kiwi said:
OK I'll take the bait :evil: 2 points-
1 I suggest you NEVER call someone trying to help you a "Retard". You won't get any help (or people even trying to help you) if you keep that up and you'll anoy a lot of people in the process - how would you feel? Having been in the military I can tell you that your behaviour isn't like that of a Captain, more a private, if that - aren't you going to try to live up to your name? Did you stop to think that remotew isn't in the UK so he won't know all the ins and outs of OUR market?
2 remotew is correct in that the ATI CDROM isn't required for the remote wonder installation. I've installed it plenty of times using the drivers off the web without a CDROM in sight.

Good on you for helping this "difficult customer" remotew.

I expected remotew would know the retail Remote Wonder isn't available in the UK from the very nature of this thread. and I called him a retard BEFORE he tried to help me. so when I called him that..... anyway, it's not important and no harm was meant. maybe it's that military training that makes you so uptight. on the other hand you should have enough discipline not to be baited. is any of this upsetting you? -cos it shouldn't be.

when I tried installing drivers from the ATI website it asked me for the CD for the file "x10uif.sys" (Windows needs disk labeled "ATI Wireless Remote Receiver
Installation Disk" to continue)

thanks for your attention
Correct install procedure

Correct install procedure

Captain Beige said:
.....and I called him a retard BEFORE he tried to help me. so when I called him that..... anyway, it's not important and no harm was meant.

Does that make it OK? Why would anyone want to call someone else a retard if no harm was meant - it doesn't stack up. If you are saying you made a mistake and you're genuinely sorry, thats another matter (I don't perceive that though and you haven't written that)......

maybe it's that military training that makes you so uptight. on the other hand you should have enough discipline not to be baited. is any of this upsetting you? -cos it shouldn't be.

I used the word "baited" because you seem to use a deliberately provocative tone. You also seem to have little understanding of what I'm like (or what the military is like for that matter). Most of the people who know me well would not consider me to be "uptight" at all. This doesn't mean I never get angry with people. When I get angry I try to fix the situation *the right way* and I'm quite proud of my problem solving skills - that's why I'm generally not uptight. Discipline (or more correctly self control) is not about trying to pretend something annoying isn't there and suppressing it, its about behaving *appropriately for the situation*. Sometimes that means channelling feelings into action, other times (eg when being interrogated) it means suppressing feelings entirely. Military people aren't feeling-less robots (despite the common misconception amongst some members of the public) and it's only a small minority who routinely manipulate subordinates with anger.

when I tried installing drivers from the ATI website it asked me for the CD for the file "x10uif.sys" (Windows needs disk labeled "ATI Wireless Remote Receiver
Installation Disk" to continue)

This is because the device hasn't been installed correctly last time. What's required *on a machine which has never had a remote wonder "touch it" before* is for version 1.1 to be run ("full" version if not on Windows XP), 1.2 to be run, shutdown/reboot, THEN plug in the receiver and watch the drivers be correctly detected/installed when it starts up again. If the machine is asking for the x10uif.sys file, it means the .inf file part of the drivers has already been installed and that is directing the installation to look for the other parts of the drivers - these must have been deleted somehow as they are contained in the software packages.

Uninstalling the drivers (with the receiver unplugged before beginning) using add/remove programs is a good start, then reboot. When you get back into Windows, then you can install it as above and at the end plug in the receiver. If this doesn't work for you, its not because there is a problem with the driver/software packages, it's because something has screwed around with the previous installation of remote wonder software and it's not uninstalling properly.
They're both the same

They're both the same

They're both the same Bulk/OEM remote wonders and should work fine without needing an AIW Radeon 7500 (or any ATI card for that matter). I have one of these with my AIW Radeon 32 MB DDR and it works well. As an OEM product it will come without drivers or batteries. You can get the drivers/software from ATIs website.
I also note that page says retail but I wonder if it is a retail product or for a retail AIW 7500 (and there's no picture to confirm it)? Either way it makes little difference because there really isn't anything significant in it between retail/OEM for this product.

I did the same as you SciDoctor and I would have bought here in the UK EXCEPT all the UK suppliers were far to slow at getting them in! When I bought mine from France, that was the nearest place I could find that was selling them at the time. Good to see a few UK distributors have "eventually" fixed that.