Correct install procedure
Correct install procedure
Captain Beige said:
.....and I called him a retard BEFORE he tried to help me. so when I called him that..... anyway, it's not important and no harm was meant.
Does that make it OK? Why would anyone want to call someone else a retard if no harm was meant - it doesn't stack up. If you are saying you made a mistake and you're genuinely sorry, thats another matter (I don't perceive that though and you haven't written that)......
maybe it's that military training that makes you so uptight. on the other hand you should have enough discipline not to be baited. is any of this upsetting you? -cos it shouldn't be.
I used the word "baited" because you seem to use a deliberately provocative tone. You also seem to have little understanding of what I'm like (or what the military is like for that matter). Most of the people who know me well would not consider me to be "uptight" at all. This doesn't mean I never get angry with people. When I get angry I try to fix the situation *the right way* and I'm quite proud of my problem solving skills - that's why I'm generally not uptight. Discipline (or more correctly self control) is not about trying to pretend something annoying isn't there and suppressing it, its about behaving *appropriately for the situation*. Sometimes that means channelling feelings into action, other times (eg when being interrogated) it means suppressing feelings entirely. Military people aren't feeling-less robots (despite the common misconception amongst some members of the public) and it's only a small minority who routinely manipulate subordinates with anger.
when I tried installing drivers from the ATI website it asked me for the CD for the file "x10uif.sys" (Windows needs disk labeled "ATI Wireless Remote Receiver
Installation Disk" to continue)
This is because the device hasn't been installed correctly last time. What's required *on a machine which has never had a remote wonder "touch it" before* is for version 1.1 to be run ("full" version if not on Windows XP), 1.2 to be run, shutdown/reboot, THEN plug in the receiver and watch the drivers be correctly detected/installed when it starts up again. If the machine is asking for the x10uif.sys file, it means the .inf file part of the drivers has already been installed and that is directing the installation to look for the other parts of the drivers - these must have been deleted somehow as they are contained in the software packages.
Uninstalling the drivers (with the receiver unplugged before beginning) using add/remove programs is a good start, then reboot. When you get back into Windows, then you can install it as above and at the end plug in the receiver. If this doesn't work for you, its not because there is a problem with the driver/software packages, it's because something has screwed around with the previous installation of remote wonder software and it's not uninstalling properly.