What to pick?? Hmm...


New member
Alright, one of my friends is going into Computer graphics and design. He wants to buy THE best computer he can get for this area of work! He knows that he is probably going to need dual monitor support, and blazing fast desktop speed. I told him currently that I didn't know exactly what to recommend to him, b/c there's a batch of new stuff that's probably going to be coming out in about 4-5 months (i.e. Palamino, etc..). Maybe I'm wrong, but what route would everyone go? AMD or Intel? Matrox or ATI? etc...

Any suggestions would be great!

K-Max :D

BTW, price is no object *of course it needs to be within reason, not like $15,000 for a system.. heh!* :rolleyes:
When there is a new technology releases, another future technology will soon be released, it's difficult to buy "THE LASTEST' product. U may have Palamino or a Northwood in Q2 or Q3 in '01 if they are on schedule...
Graphics design? y not buy Mac... :D

If it is for 2D design, i think Matrox is a but better than ATI. if for 3d modelling, both of them sucks, it should be 3d labs series or something other else which is specially designed for 3d modeling.

CPU... Although AMD is a bit faster in benchmarks, the difference is very little, we may find no different at all! Nevertheless, RAMBUS is absolutely faster than DDR, til now :p so y dont buy a P4, instead of a AMD...

Everyone knows that the VIA chipset is not as good as the chipset which the CPU manfacturers got. (TBird / Duron + AMD is better than KT266, P3 + 440BX or even i8XX series is better than with 694X) there's no doubt about this. So better get a Intel CPU with a Intel chipset or AMD with AMD chipset.:eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D
rambus is only faster than DDR in benchmarks, and most pc133 ram is faster than DDR so it's not much of a challenge. in real world apps, there is little, if any difference. third party chipsets could be less stable if you tweak them a lot, but if you leave it alone, no overclocking, non-aggresive settings, a via chipset is just as stable as an AMD or intel chipset. a little faster too. i would sure hate to see someone waste hard earned money on a P4, no matter what you plan to do with it, it's not good for anything.
Alright, I'll let him know what you guys said. He's not planning on buying it until about September, so Palamino might be an option. He just mainly was looking for some user input!

Thanks guys, hopefully this will help him out a little!

if ur friend will buy the Pc in Sept, better wait for the AMD 762. It supports Palomino and also suppot dual processor SMP!!!
And dont forget, AMD 762 will have the thuder light technology (i forgot the name, but it should be something like that), which could fasten the speed between CPU and the northbrige from 20 times to even 200 times, AMD claims that...:D
Come back with this question around August/September. Should get more interesting then. Right now it's mostly older stuff.

Avoid Willamette.